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Q1: What is the login name of the administrator in Linux??

a None of the mentioned

b admin

c administrator

d root

e All of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

Q2: How much character are allowed to create a database name??

a None

b 70

c 64

d 40

e 75

f None

Q3: Which of the following provides the error code associated with this file upload??

a $_FILES->file->errors

b $_FILES['file']['error']

c $_FILES['file']['errors']

d $_FILES['errors']

e $_FILES->file->error

f $_FILES['error']

Q4: What happens when you use this 'kill %s' command??
a The last job with 's' will be terminated

b None

c All jobs with command beginning with ‘s’ will be terminated

d System processes will be stopped

e None

f The first job with 's' will be terminated

Q5: How to check the history of deployments including the revision in Kubernetes??

a kubectl rollout show deployment/frontend

b kubectl rollout diff deployment/frontend

c kubectl rollout log deployment/frontend

d None

e kubectl rollout history deployment/frontend

f None

Q6: Which оf the following class centers tabs/pills??

a None

b .nav Nav-pills

c .nav.navbar-nav

d .nav-justified

e .nav-stacked

f None

Q7: What is a filter hook??

a None

b A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and truncate WordPress data before it
is sent to the database or the browser.
c None

d None

e None

f A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and modify WordPress data before it is
sent to the database or the browser.

Q8: What are Docker objects??

The correct Answer is: None

b Files, Plugins and Base

The correct Answer is: None

d Docker images, containers and services

The correct Answer is: None

f Code, Databases and Local storage

Q9: What does HTML stand for??

a None

b Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

c None

d Home Tool Markup Language

e None

f Hyper Text Markup Language

Q10: Which command do we need to execute to check the available repos in yum (CentOS)?

a yum listrepo

b yum repolist

c yum reposhow

d yum searchrepo
e yum reposearch

f yum showrepo

Q11: How can we access the data sent through the URL with the POST method??

a $_POST["var"];

b $_PUT["var"];

c None

d $_REQUEST["var"];

e None

f $_GET["var"];

Q12: Which artisan command will you used to enable maintenance mode in Laravel??

a php artisan down

b None

c php artisan maintenance

d php artisan stop

e None

f php artisan pause

Q13: Which HTML element is used to display a scalar measurement within a range??

a None

b <gauge>

c None

d <range>

e <meter>

f <measure>

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