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Q1: How to remove the docker container with container id mentioned in the command.?

a $ docker -rm rf 9b6343d3b5a0

b $ docker rm -rf 9b6343d3b5a0

c $ docker rm 9b6343d3b5a0

d None

e None

f None

Q2: Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:?

a <head>

b <h1>

c None

d <h6>

e <heading>

f None

Q3: How to build a Dockerfile??

a $ docker build <path to docker file>

b $ docker build in <path to docker file>

c None

d $ docker build to <path to docker file>

e None

f None

Q4: From which file does the command `free` takes it's information?
a /dev/memfree

b /proc/meminfo

c /proc/freemem

d /dev/meminfo

e /proc/memfree

f /dev/freemem

Q5: Which of the following function sorts an array in reverse order??

a shuffle()

b reset()

The correct Answer is: None

d rsort()

e sort()

The correct Answer is: None

Q6: Is JavaScript case-sensitive??

a None

b None

c None

d None

e True

f False

Q7: How can you make sure your Docker containers and their data are safely backed up??

a Backup the /var/lib/docker/ directory manually Nothing.

b Schedule regular Plesk backups. Docker containers are included in Plesk backups.
c Set up volume mapping on all containers to store their data in a single location on
the server (example, /data/) and backup this location.

d Data stored in Docker containers is backed up to Docker Hub.

e None

f None

Q8: A virtual filesystem created dynamically by Linux that contains information about
system resources is:?

a None

b /boot

c None

d /proc

e /mkdir

f /system

Q9: What is the Ping of Death??

a None

b The Ping of Death can be set in wordpress under admin settings.

c The Ping of Death is capturing and deciphering traffic on a network.

d The Ping of Death is an occurrence when sending packets are reassembled, are too
large for the system to understand.

e None

f None

Q10: What is HTTP middleware in Laravel??

a HTTP middleware is a technique for installing Laravel via HTTP.

b HTTP middleware is a web server used by Laravel similar to Apache and Nginx.
c None

d None

e HTTP middleware is a technique for updating Laravel via HTTP.

f HTTP middleware is a technique for filtering HTTP requests.

Q11: Which of the following stores Kubernetes cluster data??

The correct Answer is: None

b Kube-API server

The correct Answer is: None

d None of the mentioned

e “Kubelet


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