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Q1: Which of the following function returns a text in title case from a variable??

a .ucword($var)

b None

c ucwords($var)

d .upper($var)

e None

f toupper($var)

Q2: Which of the following method acts as a destructor function in a PHP class??

a class_name()

b destructor

c __destruct

The correct Answer is: None

e destructor()

The correct Answer is: None

Q3: How can you make a numbered list??

a None

b <ul>

c None

d <ol>

e <list>

f <dl>

Q4: As soon a service starts, ________ daemon running on each node add a set of environment
variables on the pod for each active service.?
a Kubectl

b Service discovery

c Kubeadm

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Kubelet

Q5: Which of the following tags represents a section of the document intended for
navigation in HTML5??

a nav

b section

c None

d dialog

e footer

f None

Q6: What is the function to get website url in wordpress??

a get_website_url();

b get_url();

c None

d None

e get_site_url();

f None

Q7: You can also get the Ansible documentation directly via your terminal by using:?

a None

b ansible-doc
c ansible -d

d ansible --doc

e ansible-documentation

f None

Q8: How can you find the status of a Docker container??

a The command “docker ps -p” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e The command “docker ps status” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

f The command “docker ps -a” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

Q9: How can you get involved with WordPress??

a Attend Word Camp

b None

c None

d Edit the Codex (documentation)

e All of these

f Help in the Forums

Q10: Which of the following statements are true??

a Alias names can be up to 255 characters in length

b Names of databases, tables and columns can be up to 256 characters in length

c Alias names can be up to 64 characters in length

d None

e Names of databases, tables and columns can be up to 64 characters in length

f None

Q11: Which command is used to display the default permissions for newly created files??

a perm

b umask

c priority

d None

e nice

f None

Q12: ________is an open-source project built to simplify and streamline using Docker on a
Mac or Windows.?

a Docker Compose

The correct Answer is: None

c Docker Universal Control Plane

d Docker Kitematic

e Docker Cloud

The correct Answer is: None

Q13: What is the purpose of ‘at’ command??

The correct Answer is: None

b To execute a command/commands only when the user has logged in.

c To execute a command/commands at a specific request.

The correct Answer is: None

e To execute a command/commands on a specific condition.

f To execute a command/commands at a specific time.

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