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Q1: A simple text file which tells the browser what to cache Is known as a/an ________.?

a Output Files

b HTML File

c None

d A Manifest File

e Input Files

f None

Q2: The /etc/shadow file in Linux is used to store:?

a root user shell

b filesystem information

c None

d None

e various password information

f command aliases

Q3: What are the Namespaces in Docker??

a None

b Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of containers in Docker.

c None

d Namespaces in Docker are a technology for the facility of images in Docker.

e None

f None

Q4: What is the mission of the control plane in Kubernetes??

a It makes sure that the actual state of system objects match the desired state.

The correct Answer is: None

c To control nodes

The correct Answer is: None

e To move workloads from one host to another

f To manage clusters of pods

Q5: How to list all Kubernetes services in the current namespace??

a None

b kubectl get services

c kubectl get-all services

d kubectl print services

e None

f kubectl dump services

Q6: What is the difference between character 23 and x23??

a None

b None

c None

d 23 specifies the octal 23 and x23 determine the hex 23.

e None

f 23 specifies the hex 23 and x23 determine the octal 23

Q7: What command is used to clear up the command prompt window??

a None

b clrwin
c clrscr

d None

e clear

f clearit

Q8: Who is known as the father of PHP??

a List Barely

b Willam Makepiece

c None

d Drek Kolkevi

e None

f Rasmus Lerdorf

Q9: Which command will you use to update a Kubernetes deployment??

The correct Answer is: None

b kubectl setimage deploy/Deployment tomcat = tomcat:6.0

c kubectl setimage deployment/Deployment tomcat = tomcat:6.0

The correct Answer is: None

e kubectl --setimage deployment/Deployment tomcat = tomcat:6.0

The correct Answer is: None

Q10: How to list the contents of a folder??

a ls

b None

c print

d list
e None

f pwd

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