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Q1: From which file does the command `free` takes it's information?

a /dev/freemem

b /proc/freemem

c /proc/memfree

d /proc/meminfo

e /dev/memfree

f /dev/meminfo

Q2: The Kubernetes Network proxy runs on which node??

a Master Node

The correct Answer is: None

c All the nodes

d Worker Node

The correct Answer is: None

f None of the mentioned

Q3: All variables in PHP start with which symbol??


b None




f None

Q4: What is the default execution time set in set_time_limit()??

a 20 secs

b None

c None

d 30 secs

e 35 secs

f 40 secs

Q5: How are devices represented in UNIX/Linux??

a For UNIX/Linux every device is a file and are typically located in the directory

b None

c For UNIX/Linux every device is a file and are typically located in the directory

d For UNIX/Linux every device is a block and are typically located in the
directory /dev.

e None

f For UNIX/Linux every device is a block and are typically located in the directory

Q6: Which of the following scripts will run successfully?

a None

b SELECT FROM `customers` 'customer name';

c SELECT `customer name` FROM customers WHERE cat_id = 12 ORDER BY cat_id;

d None

e Users statistics SELECT customer name FROM customers;

f SELECT `customer name` FROM customers ORDER BY zone WHERE cat_id = 12;

Q7: Type Hinting was introduced in which version of PHP??

a PHP 6

b PHP 7

c PHP 4

d PHP 5

e None

f None

Q8: How to list all Kubernetes pods in the current namespace, with more details??

a kubectl get pods -f more

b None

c kubectl get pods -o wide

d kubectl get pods -v

e None

f kubectl get pods -o details

Q9: What is the correct way to end a PHP statement??


b None

c None

d </php>.

e None

f New line

Q10: A one to many relationship can only contain multiple entries of both primary and
foreign keys.?

a True

b None
c None

d None

e False

f None

Q11: Which of the following are features of Kubernetes??

a Self-healing

The correct Answer is: None

c Secrets and configuration management

d Kubernetes Swarm

The correct Answer is: None

f Batch execution

Q12: If you see a directory with the following permissions `drwxrwxrxt`, would you be able
to remove it??

a Only the owner of the folder can remove this folder

b No, this folder can't be remove.

c We can remove it with the root user

d We can remove it only using the root user

The correct Answer is: None

f Yes, we can remove it from any user

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