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Q1: Which of the following keyword terminates the for loop or switch statement and

transfers execution to the statement immediately following the for loop or switch??

a None

b None

c break

d None

e None

f continue

Q2: Which artisan command will you used to enable maintenance mode in Laravel??

a php artisan maintenance

b php artisan pause

c php artisan stop

d php artisan down

e None

f None

Q3: The default location of the ansible.cfg file is:?

a None

b None

c /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

d /etc/ansible/ansible.conf

e /home/ansible/ansible.cfg

f /etc/ansible.cfg

Q4: How to check the history of deployments including the revision in Kubernetes??
a kubectl rollout history deployment/frontend

b kubectl rollout log deployment/frontend

c None

d kubectl rollout show deployment/frontend

e kubectl rollout diff deployment/frontend

f None

Q5: Which command is used to create an empty file.?

a None

b file

c None

d mtfile

e mkfile

f touch

Q6: Following Docker command: docker build -t my_user/repo_name:1.0 is used to:?

a Commit changes done in a Docker image

b Build an image

c Access a running container

d Activate default VM machine

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q7: Which level of Abstraction describes what data are stored in the Database??

a None

b View Level
c Abstraction Level

d None

e Physical Level

f Logical Level

Q8: How to remove the docker container with container id mentioned in the command.?

a None

b $ docker rm 9b6343d3b5a0

c None

d $ docker rm -rf 9b6343d3b5a0

e None

f $ docker -rm rf 9b6343d3b5a0

Q9: Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from:?

a None

b docker.json

c None

d Dockerfile

e docker.config

f docker.yaml

Q10: Kubernetes is written in?

a Go

The correct Answer is: None

c Java spring framework

d C++
The correct Answer is: None

f Python

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