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Q1: Which one of these variables has an illegal name??

a None

b $my_Var

c $myVar

d None

e $MyVar

f $my-Var

Q2: MySQL supports multiple database storage engines.?

a True

b None

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q3: Which doctype is correct for HTML5??


b <HTML5>

c <!DOCTYPE html>

d None


f None

Q4: What is the meaning of "overhead" in MySQL??

a None

b Temporary diskspace that the database uses to run some of the queries

c None of the above

d A tablespace name

e The size of a table

f None

Q5: How can you make sure your Docker containers and their data are safely backed up??

a None

b Set up volume mapping on all containers to store their data in a single location on
the server (example, /data/) and backup this location.

c Schedule regular Plesk backups. Docker containers are included in Plesk backups.

d None

e Data stored in Docker containers is backed up to Docker Hub.

f Backup the /var/lib/docker/ directory manually Nothing.

Q6: Which of the following is not a valid comparison operator??

a None

b None

c !=

d ==

e <>

f <=>

Q7: HTML comments start with <!-- and end with -->?

a None

b True
c None

d None

e None

f False

Q8: What is the best way to change table prefix (wp_) before installation in WordPress??

a Before Installation: In this way, you have to rename your wp_config.php file
according to your need through $table_prefix=’wp_’;.

b Before Installation: Through this way, you have to go PHPMyAdmin -> Select your
database -> Check all tables -> Add/Update table prefix.

c None

d None

e After Installation: Once you have the database, you can go ahead and change it

f None

Q9: Which of the following attribute is used to group elements??

a None

b itemprop

c None

d item

e itemcheck

f itemgroup

Q10: BASH stands for:?

The correct Answer is: None

b Basic Async SHell

c Bourne Again SHell

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f BAsic SHell

Q11: The most common way to display the network settings of network interfaces on a
Linux system is by using which command??

a show ipv4

b ifconfig

c ipconfig

d ipconfig/all

e None

f None

Q12: ________is an open-source project built to simplify and streamline using Docker on a
Mac or Windows.?

a Docker Cloud

b Docker Kitematic

The correct Answer is: None

d Docker Universal Control Plane

The correct Answer is: None

f Docker Compose

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