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Q1: Which of the following is a valid aggregate function?



c None



f None

Q2: What is Hypervisor??

a A hypervisor is a software that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

b A hypervisor is a software that makes virtualization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

c None

d A hypervisor is a hardware that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

e None

f None

Q3: What is the best way to change table prefix (wp_) before installation in WordPress??

a None

b Before Installation: Through this way, you have to go PHPMyAdmin -> Select your
database -> Check all tables -> Add/Update table prefix.

c None

d Before Installation: In this way, you have to rename your wp_config.php file
according to your need through $table_prefix=’wp_’;.

e After Installation: Once you have the database, you can go ahead and change it
f None

Q4: What is the default execution time set in set_time_limit()??

a 30 secs

b None

c 35 secs

d 40 secs

e None

f 20 secs

Q5: What is Solaris??

a None

b None



e Microsoft’s UNIX

f Sun microsystems UNIX

Q6: Tick all the rules which need to be followed while developing a WordPress Plugin??

a Create a unique name.

b Create and install script.

c None

d Create the folder of Plugin.

e Create the main plug-in file and fill up the header information.

f Create a sub-folder for PHP files, translations, and assets.

Q7: Which of the following are true for a pod in Kubernetes??

The correct Answer is: None

b A Pod represents processes running on your Cluster

c You can have only 1 container running in 1 pod

d Pods are the simplest units in the Kubernetes object model that you create or

e A pod is the same as a container

The correct Answer is: None

Q8: How many containers can run per host??

a There can be only 3containers

b There can be as many containers as you wish per host. Docker does not put any
restrictions on it.

The correct Answer is: None

d There can be only 4 containers

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: With Ansible you can only use SSH key as it does not work with SSH password.?

a true

b None

c None

d false

e None

f None

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