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Q1: What is the meaning of "overhead" in MySQL??

a A tablespace name

b None

c The size of a table

d None of the above

e Temporary diskspace that the database uses to run some of the queries

f None

Q2: The HTML global attribute, "contenteditable" is used to:?

a Return the position of the first found occurrence of content inside a string

b Specify whether the content of an element should be editable or not

c None

d None

e Specifies a context menu for an element. The menu appears when a user right-
clicks on the element

f Update content from the server

Q3: How to check the current disk usage on Linux??

a uptime

b usage

c None

d free

e None

f df

Q4: Which command can introduce clock delay??

a None

b delay

c suspend

d wait

e sleep

f None

Q5: What is the best way to change table prefix (wp_) before installation in WordPress??

a After Installation: Once you have the database, you can go ahead and change it

b Before Installation: In this way, you have to rename your wp_config.php file
according to your need through $table_prefix=’wp_’;.

c None

d None

e None

f Before Installation: Through this way, you have to go PHPMyAdmin -> Select your
database -> Check all tables -> Add/Update table prefix.

Q6: Which Element Represents A Control For Generating A Public-private Key Pair??

a None

b Command

c None

d Keygen

e Key

f Ins

Q7: Which of the answers listed below refers to a package management system most often
used on Debian and Debian-based Linux distributions??
a kde

b yum

c None

d None

e rpm

f apt

Q8: Wildcards are?

a not supported by MySQL

b used to perform pattern matches

c None

d characters such as $ which perform pattern matches

e characters such as % which perform single character matching

f None

Q9: What does 'become: yes' mean in Ansible playbooks??

a It means that the command must be retried until it succeeds

b It means that we would run all commands as root

c None

d It means that the worker node should become a manager node

e None

f It means that the service needs to be started once installed

Q10: Can you start two MySQL servers at one PC??

a None

b None
c True

d None

e None

f False

Q11: Which of the following method can be used to close a MySql database using PHP??

a mysql_connect()

b mysql_close()

c None

d None of the above

e None

f mysql_query()

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