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Q1: ____________ function in PHP Returns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)?

a header()

b None

c header_sent()

d header_send()

e None

f headers_list()

Q2: How is the comparison of objects done in PHP??

a We use the operator '===' to test two objects are instanced from the same class
and have same attributes and equal values.

b None

c None

d None

e We use the operator '=' to test two objects are instanced from the same class and
have same attributes and equal values.

f We use the operator '==' to test two objects are instanced from the same class and
have same attributes and equal values.

Q3: Which of the listed actions and filter hooks are functions in WordPress??

a doing_filter() and doing_action()

b None

c apply_filters_ref_array() and do_action_ref_array()

d None

e open_filter() and close_action()

f has_filter() and has_action()

Q4: How can you create a static page with WordPress??

a To create a static page in WordPress, in the page section you have to upload a
PERL file to the server in the theme folder, and then select that as your template.

b None

c None

d To create a static page in WordPress, in the page section you have to upload a PHP
file to the server in the theme folder, and then select that as your template.

e To create a static page in WordPress, in the page section you have to upload a
HTML file to the server in the theme folder, and then select that as your template.

f None

Q5: All HTML Tags must be enclosed In??

a ? And !

b None

c None

d # And #

e { And }

f < And >

Q6: DML is included into SQL language of:?

a managing data

b managing users

c description data

d None

e managing transactions

f None
Q7: Can you start two MySQL servers at one PC??

a None

b True

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q8: Which command can be used to find a word from a text file??

a None

b cut

c find

d grep

e None

f sort

Q9: Can you insert multiple rows with only one INSERT query??

a Yes but these inserts cause data corruption

b None

c False

d It's possible but only with newer MySQL versions

e True

f None

Q10: Just installed plugin crashes your Wordpress site with no access to the dashboard.
What do you do??
a Reinstall Wordpress

b Rename the specific plugin folder in /wp-content/plugins

c Delete all plugins from /wp-content/plugins folder

d Rename the specific plugin folder in /wp-includes/plugins

e Rename the specific plugin folder in /wp-admin/plugins

f Reinstall the database

Q11: Which of the following are true for etcd??

a etcd is a distributed key-value store

The correct Answer is: None

c To validate cluster nodes

d etcd is the primary datastore of Kubernetes; storing and replicating all Kubernetes
cluster state

e To encrypt cluster data and send it to a secrets manager

The correct Answer is: None

Q12: Which command is used to create resources in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl create -f ./my-manifest.yaml

c kubectl deploy -f ./my-manifest.yaml

d kubectl apply -f ./my-manifest.yaml

e None

f kubectl fuse -f ./my-manifest.yaml

Q13: The program called MySQL is?

a The Database Engine

b There Isn't A Program Just Called Mysql

c None

d None

e A Wrapper Through Which Java Clients Must Connect To The Databases The
Database Engine

f A Client Program That Lets You Send SQL Commands To The Database Engine

Q14: Which of the following is not a valid alignment attribute??

a Left

b Right

c None

d All of above

e Top

f None

Q15: How can we start a PHP session:?

a sessionStart()

b startSession()

c session()

d start_session()

e startS()

f session_start()

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