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Q1: Which of the following statements are true about SQL injection attacks??

a Usage of later versions of MySQL, validation, and explicit setting of the charset of
user input are valid measures to decrease vulnerability to SQL injections.

b SQL injections are not possible, if only emulated prepared statements are used.

c None of the above

d Wrapping all variables containing user input by a call to

mysql_real_escape_string() makes the code immune to SQL injections.

e None

f Parametrized queries do not make code less vulnearable to SQL injections.

Q2: If you wish to use a base image and make modifications or personalize it, how do you do

a None

b docker <image_name>

c None

d None

e docker pull <image_name>

f docker --pull <image_name>

Q3: <TD> … </TD> tag is used for ________?

a Table row

b Table heading

c None

d none of the above

e Table Records

f None
Q4: Which command can be used to make variables of shell to be made available to sub

a import

b None

c None

d set

e echo

f export

Q5: How to check for Docker Client and Docker Server version??

a docker -v

b None

c None

d None

e docker version

f udo docker -p

Q6: In PHP, the only way to output text is with echo.?

a None

b True

c None

d None

e None

f False

Q7: How to list pods sorted by Restart Count in Kubernetes??

a kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'

b None

c kubectl get pods by restartCount

d kubectl get pods --sort='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount'

e None

f kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.restartCount'

Q8: Normalizations is...?

a a database design technique used to minimize data redundancy and duplication

b concerned with the physical implementation of the database

c None

d None

e a database design technique that eliminates relationships from a database

f a database design technique that encourages storing data in multiple databases

Q9: What is a deployment in Kubernetes??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d Deployments represent a set of multiple, identical Nodes with no unique identities

The correct Answer is: None

f Deployments represent a set of multiple, identical Pods with no unique identities

Q10: How can you edit a WordPress comment??

a None

b None
c None

d You can edit WordPress comment using the command. From the panel, under the
Comments option, select edit to edit a comment.

e You can edit WordPress comment using the profile. From the panel, under the
Comments option, select edit to edit a comment.

f You can edit WordPress comment using the dashboard. From the panel, under the
Comments option, select edit to edit a comment.

Q11: Which of the mentioned are valid PHP loops?

a do ... while

b beforeeach

c foreach

d while

e each

f for

Q12: What is a Child Theme??

a The child theme is an extension of the sub-child theme

b The child theme is an extension of the super parent theme

c The child theme is an extension of the parent theme

d None

e None

f None

Q13: The maximum length of the char columns is?

a 256 Bytes

b None
c 255 Bytes

d 65, 535 Bytes

e None

f None Of The Mentioned

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