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Q1: Which program copies databases from one server to another??

a Mysqlmovedb

b Mysqldbcopy

c Mysqlflushdb

d Mysqldbmove

e Mysqldbflush

f Mysqlcopydb

Q2: How to update the container's configurations which shows all the update options.?

a $ docker update -help

b None

c $ docker update help

d $ docker update --help

e None

f None

Q3: Which of the K8s resources do not associate with any namespace??

The correct Answer is: None

b DaemonSets

c ReplicaSets

d Services

e Nodes

f Persistent Volumes

Q4: What is the difference between the WordPress Address and Site Address settings
located in the General Settings area??
a None

b The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress files, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

c None

d None

e The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress plugins, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

f The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress meta tags , while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

Q5: How can we get the error when there is a problem with uploading a file??

a $_FILES['userfile = error']

b None

c None

d $_FILES['userfile']['error']

e $FILES['userfile']['error']

f None

Q6: How are links defined in an <a> tag??

a Src-link

b Src

c None

d Hlink

e Href

f None

Q7: How to dump pod logs, with label name=myLabel (stdout) in Kubernetes?
a kubectl pod -l name=myLabel

b kubectl log name=myLabel

c kubectl logs -l name=myLabel

d None

e kubectl logs -l .name[*]=myLabel

f None

Q8: How to show metrics for a given pod and its containers in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl top POD_NAME --containers

c kubectl resources pod POD_NAME --containers

d kubectl top pod POD_NAME --containers

e None

f kubectl status pod POD_NAME --containers

Q9: MySQL does not support auto generating numbers?

a False

b None

c True

d None

e None

f None

Q10: Which of the following answers refers to a Linux command-line command used for
configuring network interface parameters specific to the wireless communication??

a None

b None
c ifconfig

d iwconfig

e networksetup

f net config

Q11: Which of the following is correct about NULL??

a The special constant NULL is capitalized by convention, but actually it is case


The correct Answer is: None

c NULL is a special type that only has two values : NULL and NOT NULL

The correct Answer is: None

e The special constant NULL is capitalized by convention and it should be defined as

such as it's case sensitive. Meaning null is different than NULL

f NULL is a special type that only has one value: NULL.

Q12: The PHP syntax is most similar to:?

a None

b None

c VBScript

d Bash

e Perl and C

f JavaScript

Q13: How to mark a node called my-node as unschedulable in Kubernetes??

a kubectl stop my-node

b kubectl down my-node

c kubectl cordon my-node

d kubectl off my-node

e None

f None

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