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Q1: What is the default session time in PHP??

a The default session time in php is until the closing of the browser

b The default session time in php is until the closing of the system

c The default session time in php is until the closing of the page

d None

e None

f None

Q2: Which command is used to specify the number of records to return??




d None



Q3: The kube-apiserver on Kubernetes master is designed to scale:?

a None

b None

c Vertically

d Horizontally

e None

f kube-apiserver is not used for scaling

Q4: What is called if a value shouldn't be greater than 100??

a Integrity constraint

b None

c Referential constraint

d Over-defined constraint

e None

f Feasible constraint

Q5: Which argument do you need to specify in order to run a specific Ansible module??

a None

b --ansible-module

c -m

d -ml

e None

f --modules

Q6: What are template tags in WordPress??

a Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your database.

b None

c None

d Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your plugins.

e Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your folder.

f None

Q7: What is the difference between the WordPress Address and Site Address settings
located in the General Settings area??

a None

b None
c None

d The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress meta tags , while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

e The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress files, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

f The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress plugins, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

Q8: What is the most common type of container runtime used in Kubernetes??

a Docker

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d containerd

e lxd

f rkt

Q9: All elements are identified by their __________ and are marked up using either start tags
and end tags or self-closing tags?

a Class Names

b Attribute Names

c None

d Tag Names

e None of the mentioned

f None

Q10: How can we add comments in PHP??

a None

b # commented code to end of line

c all of the above

d /* commented code here */

e None

f // commented code to end of line

Q11: As soon a service starts, ________ daemon running on each node add a set of
environment variables on the pod for each active service.?

a Kubelet

b Kubectl

The correct Answer is: None

d Service discovery

The correct Answer is: None

f Kubeadm

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