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Q1: How to check the history of deployments including the revision in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl rollout diff deployment/frontend

c None

d kubectl rollout log deployment/frontend

e kubectl rollout show deployment/frontend

f kubectl rollout history deployment/frontend

Q2: What is the maximum size of a row in a MyISAM table??

a None

b No limit

c OS specific

d 128

e 2’147’483’648

f 65534

Q3: Choose the correct HTML tag for the smallest size heading??

a <h1>

b <h6>

c None

d <head>

e None

f <heading>

Q4: What language is an Ansible playbooks are written in by default??

a None

b None

c XML format

d HTML format

e JSON format

f YAML format

Q5: Which of the following are Container Orchestrators? Select all answers that apply.?

a Docker Swarm

b Ansible

The correct Answer is: None

d Vault

The correct Answer is: None

f Kubernetes

Q6: What is the difference between the WordPress Address and Site Address settings
located in the General Settings area??

a The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress plugins, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

b None

c The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress meta tags , while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

d None

e None

f The WordPress Address is where to look for WordPress files, while the Site
Address is what will be used as the base for creating URLs for web pages.

Q7: How do you create secrets in Kubernetes??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c kubectl generate secret generic db-user-pass --from-file=./username.txt --from-


The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f kubectl create secret generic db-user-pass --from-file=./username.txt --from-


Q8: In HTML document the tags?

a None

b should be written in propercase

c should be written in lower case

d Should be written in upper case

e can be written in both uppercase or lowercase

f None

Q9: Which command is used to copy file across different system??

a scp

b None

c mcp

d rcp

e rsync

f ncp

Q10: What is Gravatar??

a Profile Image
b A Plugin

c None

d WordPress core functionality


f Globally Recognized Image or Photo

Q11: Which ‘meta box’ is not hidden by default on Post and Page screens??

a None

b Featured Image is the meta box that is not hidden by default on Post and Page

c None

d None

e Featured Image is the child box that is hidden by default on Post and Page screens.

f None

Q12: __________________ is responsible for health check of the pods running on individual

a Kubelet

b Kube scheduler

c Kube controller manager

The correct Answer is: None

e Kubectl

The correct Answer is: None

Q13: Which tag is used to display the large font size??

a None

b < SIZE ></SIZE>

c <BIG></BIG>



f None

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