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Q1: Where can you find and share Docker container images??

a Docker Git

b None

c Docker Cloud

d Docker Hub

e Docker Swarm

f None

Q2: In which directory by default user home directories are created??

a /usr

b /etc

c /home

d /user

The correct Answer is: None

f /tmp

Q3: Which of the following function returns the number of characters in a string variable??

a len($variable)

b count($variable)

c None

d None

e strcount($variable)

f strlen($variable)

Q4: What dos the acronym CMS stands for??

a None

b None

c Common manager system

d Content management system

e Content manager system

f None

Q5: _________ service is automatically created for you K8s cluster creation and takes care of
the internal routing of the cluster.?

a Headless

b Load Balancer

c NodePort

d ClusterIP

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q6: The external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag.?

a False

b None

c None

d None

e True

f None

Q7: What is the function to get website url in wordpress??

a get_website_url();

b get_url();
c get_site_url();

d None

e None

f None

Q8: Write a command to create deployment??

a kubectl create –f Deployment.yaml –record

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d kubectl --create f Deployment.yaml –record

e kubectl create f Deployment.yaml –record

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: What is a Child Theme??

a The child theme is an extension of the parent theme

b None

c The child theme is an extension of the sub-child theme

d None

e The child theme is an extension of the super parent theme

f None

Q10: How to protect special characters in a query string??

a None

b urlbypass()

c urlencode()

d None
e url_encode()

f None

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