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Q1: Function which causes retrieval of any kind of data from database is considered as?

a Interface or Signature

b Logical signature

c None

d User friendly signature

e None

f Conceptual signature

Q2: Which command is used to build a Docker image??

a docker create username/repository_name:1.0.1

b None

c docker built username/repository_name:1.0.1

d None

e docker image -t create username/repository_name:1.0.1

f docker build -t username/repository_name:1.0.1

Q3: How to run the docker image mentioned in the command. Which will create a docker
container in which the Apache HTTP server will run.?

a $ docker run -it -d httpd

b None

c $ docker run -it -d --httpd

d None

e None

f $ docker run -it -d http img

Q4: Is it a good practice to edit the WordPress core files??

a Yes, you can change the core files without any further compilations

b No, because your changes will be lost during the next WordPress update

c None

d None

e None

f None

Q5: Which of the answers listed below refers to a Linux command that allows for assuming
the identity of a different system user and executing commands with security privileges of
that user account??

a None

b usermod

c None

d id

e sync

f su

Q6: Volume mapping maps the host server's directory into the Docker container. The data
will remain in a safe and accessible place if you do which of the following??

a re-create the container

The correct Answer is: None

c backup the container

d migrate the container

e break the container

f delete the container

Q7: How to retrieve the join token for manager nodes in Docker Swarm??
a docker get join-token manager

b docker swarm join-token manager

c None

d docker swarm token manager

e docker print join-token manager

f None

Q8: Inline elements are normally displayed without starting a new line?

a True

b None

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q9: How do we check if a given variable is empty??

a With the isitnull() function.

b With the isitempty() function.

c With the empty() function.

d None

e None

f With the null() function.

Q10: What Python library can you use to perform array and matrix manipulations??

a None

b Algorithm
c Numarray

d Numpy

e math

f None

Q11: What is called if a value shouldn't be greater than 100??

a Feasible constraint

b Referential constraint

c None

d Integrity constraint

e None

f Over-defined constraint

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