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Q1: What is a Widget??

a Widget is a vertical column provided by a theme for displaying information other

than the main content of the web page.

b Widget is a function of special software that allows feedreaders to access a site.

c WordPress Widgets add content and features to your Sidebars.

d None

e None of the mentioned

f None

Q2: Which one is true for Minikube??

The correct Answer is: None

b Minikube is an all-in-One Kubernetes cluster on our workstation

c Minikube is a GUI for Kubernetes

The correct Answer is: None

e Minikube multi-node cluster

f None of the above

Q3: How can you list only the directories in your current directory using ls command??

The correct Answer is: None

b ls -ld

c ls -l|grep “^d”

d ls --dir

The correct Answer is: None

f ls -d

Q4: How to protect special characters in a query string??

a None

b urlencode()

c None

d None

e url_encode()

f urlbypass()

Q5: What are the disadvantages of WordPress??

a All of the mentioned.

b None

c Use of multiple plugins can make the website heavy to load and slow

d None

e Modifying images and tables is difficult.

f Only utilizes PHP

Q6: Which of the following is not a MySQL statement??





e None


Q7: Which ‘meta box’ is not hidden by default on Post and Page screens??

a None

b Featured Image is the child box that is hidden by default on Post and Page screens.
c None

d None

e Featured Image is the meta box that is not hidden by default on Post and Page

f None

Q8: On which of the following systems can minikube be installed on? Select one.?

a All of the mentioned

b macOS

The correct Answer is: None

d Windows

e Linux

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: How can we destroy a PHP session:?

a session_destroy()

b session()

c destroy_session()

d destroySession()

e sessionDestroy()

f startD()

Q10: Why is considered more secure than

a because they limit the themes and also does not allow installing plugins.

b because it is SSL encrypted

c because they limit the site proxy settings

d None
e None

f None

Q11: Kubernetes is written in?

a Go

b Java spring framework

The correct Answer is: None

d C++

e Python

The correct Answer is: None

Q12: How to write an IF statement in JavaScript??

a None

b if (i == 5)

c if i = 5

d None

e if i = 5 then

f if i == 5 then

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