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Q1: What do you mean by the custom field in WordPress??

a None

b None

c None

d Custom fields are also known as get meta. Get meta is a feature in WordPress
which allows get authors to add additional information at the time writing a post.

e Custom fields are also known as post meta. Post meta is a feature in WordPress
which allows post authors to add additional information at the time writing a post.

f Custom fields are also known as request meta. request meta is a feature in
WordPress which allows post authors to add additional information at the time writing a

Q2: What are Importers in WordPress??

a None

b None

c Importers are plugins that provide the functionality to import a bulk XML file with
any number of records.

d None

e Importers are linking files that provide the functionality to export a bulk XML file
with any number of records.

f None

Q3: Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript??

a The <footer>

b None

c The <head> section

d Both the <head> section and the <body> section are correct

e The <body> section

f None

Q4: Which of the following method can be used to create a MySql database using PHP??

a mysql_close()

b mysql_connect()

c None of the mentioned

d mysql_create()

e mysql_query()

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: You can define and run multiple Docker containers using:?

a None

b Docker Cloud

c Docker Cluster

d None

e Docker Hub

f Docker Swarn

Q6: You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following??




d None


f None

Q7: What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable??

a count++;

b $count++;

c $count =+1

d None

e None

f ++count

Q8: What are the functions of Replication controller??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c It is responsible to control and administer the lifecycle of the pod.

d It is responsible for routing the ingress traffic

e It is responsible to monitor and verify whether the allowed number of pod replicas
were running

f It helps the user to check the running status of the pod

Q9: What is the correct way to create a function in PHP??

a function myFunction()

b new_function myFunction()

c None

d create new_function myFunction()

e create myFunction()

f None

Q10: Which of the following is NOT a valid mode fopen() mode :?

a r+


d x+



Q11: What is the reason for using Volumes in Docker??

a To add plugins for extended file attributes.

b None

c None

d To fail access to persisted data such as data in a database.

e To create exceptions to the `--read-only` mode.

f None

Q12: Include files must have the file extension ".inc"?

a None

b None

c True

d None

e False

f None

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