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Q1: Expand JFS in context of file system??

a Journal File System

The correct Answer is: None

c Journal Failing System

d Journal File Service

The correct Answer is: None

f Journal Failing Service

Q2: Intensity of a color can be described through?

a Grayscale

b Saturation

c None

d Lightness

e None

f Hue

Q3: Can you insert multiple rows with only one INSERT query??

a Yes but these inserts cause data corruption

b False

c True

d It's possible but only with newer MySQL versions

e None

f None

Q4: What do you mean by the custom field in WordPress??

a None

b None

c Custom fields are also known as get meta. Get meta is a feature in WordPress
which allows get authors to add additional information at the time writing a post.

d Custom fields are also known as post meta. Post meta is a feature in WordPress
which allows post authors to add additional information at the time writing a post.

e Custom fields are also known as request meta. request meta is a feature in
WordPress which allows post authors to add additional information at the time writing a

f None

Q5: How do we change permissions on files?

a chmod

b We Can't change them

c chattr

d lsattr

e None

f chown

Q6: How to login into docker hub.?

a None

b None

c None

d $ docker login

e $ docker $login

f $ docker --log

Q7: How to retrieve the join token for worker nodes in Docker Swarm??
a docker swarm join-token worker

b None

c None

d docker get join-token worker

e docker swarm get join-token worker

f docker swarm join-token get worker

Q8: Docker containers can run on:?

a Only Windows systems

b None

c Linux distributions and Windows systems

d None

e None

f Only Linux distributions

Q9: Which command is used to access a running container??

a docker login container_id

b docker exec -it container_id bash

c None

d docker fetch container

e docker run container_id bash

f None

Q10: Which value of Socket.readyState atribute of WebSocket indicates that the connection
has been closed or could not be opened??


c None

d None



Q11: The maximum length of the char columns is?

a None Of The Mentioned

b None

c None

d 256 Bytes

e 65, 535 Bytes

f 255 Bytes

Q12: One of the early proponents of a Relational Database who laid down many of the
principles we use to this day was:?

a Mahatma Coate

b None

c None

d Edgar Codd

e William Crawford

f Xigang Koi

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