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Q1: What language was Kubernetes written in??

a C++

b Go

c None

d Java


f None

Q2: How to stream pod logs (stdout) in Kubernetes??

a kubectl logs my-pod

b None

c kubectl stream -f my-pod

d kubectl logs -f my-pod

e None

f kubectl pod -f my-pod

Q3: What is the option to create hard link for a directory??

a None of the above

b -l

c -f

d None

e None

f -s

Q4: What dos the acronym CMS stands for??

a None

b Common manager system

c None

d None

e Content management system

f Content manager system

Q5: Which of the following statements are true??

a Alias names can be up to 255 characters in length

b Names of databases, tables and columns can be up to 64 characters in length

c None

d Names of databases, tables and columns can be up to 256 characters in length

e Alias names can be up to 64 characters in length

f None

Q6: What is the function to get website url in wordpress??

a None

b None

c get_site_url();

d get_website_url();

e None

f get_url();

Q7: MySQL does not support auto generating numbers?

a None

b None
c False

d True

e None

f None

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