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Q1: What does the /etc/hosts file contains??

a None

b Hostnames of all devices on the network segment

c The IP address of the default gateway

d None

e IP addresses to hostnames mappings

f CPU and memory info

Q2: How to remove 'escape' characters from a string??

a None

b None

c None

d None

e The substring function enables us to remove the 'escape' characters before

apostrophes in a string.

f The stripslashes function enables us to remove the 'escape' characters before

apostrophes in a string.

Q3: SQL (Structured Query Language) is:?

a None

b the language of queries by pattern

c imperative programming language

d the language of structured queries

e DBMS (DataBase Management System)

f None

Q4: How do you round the number 7.25, to the nearest integer??
a None

b Math.round(7.25)

c rnd(7.25)

d None

e Math.rnd(7.25)

f round(7.25)

Q5: Which one of the following is not a WordPress role??

a Administrator

b Editor

c None

d System

e Subscriber

f None

Q6: What does vlink attribute mean??

a None

b visited link

c None

d very good link

e virtual link

f active link

Q7: TCL is used for _______??

a None
b None

c Defining database schema

d Control access to data stored in a database

e Managing the changes made by DML statements

f None of the mentioned

Q8: What is the correct HTML element for playing video files??

a None

b <movie>

c <type="video">

d <video>

e None

f <media>

Q9: What could be used to program additional authentication logic besides available
authenticator modules??

a None

b None

c Kube Vault

d Authentication Proxy

e Kube Auth Service

f Kubernetes Role Manager

Q10: The GROUP BY command cannot be used with aggregate functions together?

a True

b None

c None
d False

e None

f None

Q11: Character data can be stored as?

a None

b Both fixed or variable length strings

c None of the mentioned

d Variable length strings

e Fixed length strings

f None

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