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Q1: Choose the correct HTML element to define emphasized text?

a None

b None

c <em>

d <italic>

e <i>

f <it>

Q2: Character data can be stored as?

a Variable length strings

b None

c None

d Fixed length strings

e Both fixed or variable length strings

f None of the mentioned

Q3: How do you round the number 7.25, to the nearest integer??

a Math.round(7.25)

b rnd(7.25)

c Math.rnd(7.25)

d round(7.25)

e None

f None

Q4: What kind of replication is supported by the MySQL Server??

a Master To Slave Replication

b Single File Based Clustering

c None

d Master to Master Replication

e Multiple-master Replication

f MySQL Doesn't Support Replication

Q5: Function which causes retrieval of any kind of data from database is considered as?

a Conceptual signature

b None

c User friendly signature

d Interface or Signature

e Logical signature

f None

Q6: Which licensing authority is responsible for WordPress??

a GPLv2 (GNU General Public License)

b None

c None

d MIT license



Q7: In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference.?

a None

b None
c None

d None

e In WordPress, all objects are passed by reference.

f In WordPress, all objects are passed by value.

Q8: Which of the answers listed below refers to a Linux command that allows for assuming
the identity of a different system user and executing commands with security privileges of
that user account??

a id

b sync

c None

d usermod

e su

f None

Q9: MySQL supports multiple database storage engines.?

a None

b None

c None

d None

e True

f False

Q10: The external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag.?

a None

b None

c False
d None

e True

f None

Q11: What is Granularity??

a None

b The size of database

c The size of file

d None

e The size of data items

f The size of record

Q12: What Is The Role Of Kube-scheduler??

a kube-scheduler is responsible for assigning a port to newly created pods.

The correct Answer is: None

c kube-scheduler is responsible for assigning a cluster to newly created pods.

The correct Answer is: None

e kube-scheduler is responsible for assigning a node to old created pods.

f kube-scheduler is responsible for discovering the newly created pod and selects an
optimal node for them to run on

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