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Q1: How many types of plans are available in wordpress by default??


b None


d None



Q2: __________________ is responsible for health check of the pods running on individual nodes?

a Kube controller manager

b Kubectl

c Kubelet

The correct Answer is: None

e Kube scheduler

The correct Answer is: None

Q3: Choose the correct HTML tag for the smallest size heading??

a None

b <heading>

c <head>

d None

e <h1>

f <h6>

Q4: In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference.?

a None

b None

c In WordPress, all objects are passed by value.

d None

e In WordPress, all objects are passed by reference.

f None

Q5: Which command can be used to find a word from a text file??

a grep

b sort

c cut

d None

e find

f None

Q6: Which tag is used to create a checkbox in HTML??

a < Input type "checkbox">

b <checkbox>

c < Input type = "checkbox">

d None

e None

f <cb>

Q7: What is the function to parse a configuration file??

a None

b None
c parse_ini()

d None

e parse_ini_file()

f parseini_file()

Q8: Which of the following is used to set cookies??

a $_COOKIE variable

b None

c setcookie() function

d $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS variable

e isset() function

f None

Q9: Which tag creates a check box for a form in HTML??

a <input=checkbox>

b <input type="checkbox">

c None

d <input checkbox>

e <checkbox>

f None

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