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Q1: Which of the answers listed below refers to a Linux command that allows for assuming

the identity of a different system user and executing commands with security privileges of
that user account??

a su

b None

c None

d usermod

e sync

f id

Q2: What will happen If you run the command "init 6" in your terminal?

The correct Answer is: None

b Enter single user mode

c Start the system without a display manager (GUI)

The correct Answer is: None

e Shut down the system

f Reboot the system

Q3: If you exit a container accidentally, will you lose all the work??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e True

f False

Q4: Which tag creates a check box for a form in HTML??

a None

b <input=checkbox>

c <checkbox>

d <input type="checkbox">

e None

f <input checkbox>

Q5: Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following??

a Kube-apiserver

b Etcd

The correct Answer is: None

d Kubelet

The correct Answer is: None

f None of the above

Q6: The data type BLOB stands for:?

a Big List Object

b Binary Large Object

c Binary List Obsolete Object

d Binary List Object

e None

f None of the mentioned

Q7: MySQL supports multiple database storage engines.?

a None
b False

c None

d None

e None

f True

Q8: Which of the following is correct about PHP??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c All of the mentioned.

d PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML.

e PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor".

f It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build

entire e-commerce sites.

Q9: Which Process Validates And Configures Data For The Api Objects Like Pods, Services??

a kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the api objects.

b kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the cli objects.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the gui objects.

Q10: How can we initiate a session in PHP??

a $session_start()

b None

c session_start()
d $_session_start()

e None

f None

Q11: What is the correct way to include the file "" ??

a None

b None

c <?php include ""; ?>

d <?php include:""; ?>

e <!-- include file="" -->

f <?php include file=""; ?>

Q12: The "father" Of MySQL Is ______.?

a Bill Gates

b None

c Michael Widenius

d None

e Bill Joy

f Stephanie Wall

Q13: How do I create PHP arrays in a HTML <form>??

a < input ="MyArray[]" />

b None

c < input MyArray[] />

d < input name= MyArray[]/>

e < input name="MyArray[]" />

f None

Q14: Which is the best tool to use for logging in remotely??

a ssh

b login

c None

d rsh

e telnet

f None

Q15: Which command is used to remove all rows from a table??

a Drop

b Delete

c Remove

d Truncate

e None

f Both Delete and Remove

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