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Q1: What is a filter hook??

a None

b A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and modify WordPress data before it is
sent to the database or the browser.

c None

d None

e None

f A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and truncate WordPress data before it is
sent to the database or the browser.

Q2: What is the name of the first page you encounter after logging into your web page??

a WP upgrade option

b None

c WPAdmin

d Security question page

e Dashboard

f Clientarea

Q3: Which of the following are core Kubernetes objects??

a Pods, Services, Droplets

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d None of the mentioned

e Pods, Services, Volumes

f Pods, Docker, Volumes

Q4: Which of the following type of variables are whole numbers, without a decimal point,
like 4195??

a Booleans

b Doubles

c Integers

d Strings

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: If we want to open a file for reading and writing which mode of the function fopen() are
we going to use:?


b x+

c r+

d w+


The correct Answer is: None

Q6: Where is Linux user list stored??

a None of the above.

b None

c /usr/local/users

d /etc/users

e None

f By running the command show users

Q7: What is the correct HTML for adding a background color??

a None

b None

c <body style="background-color:yellow;">

d <body style bg="yellow">

e <background>yellow</background>

f <body bg="yellow">

Q8: In a LIKE clause, you can ask for any 6 Letter Value by writing:?

a LIKE ^.{6}$

b LIKE ______ (Six Underscore Characters)

c LIKE ??????

d LIKE .{6}

e None

f None

Q9: How do we check if a given variable is empty??

a With the empty() function.

b With the null() function.

c None

d None

e With the isitempty() function.

f With the isitnull() function.

Q10: What is the correct syntax of the usermeta function in Wordpress??

a None
b None

c get_user_meta( int $user_id, string $key = '', bool $single = true )

d get_user_meta( int $user_id, string $key = '', bool $single = false )

e get_user( int $user_id, string $key = '', bool $single = true )

f None

Q11: Which SQL statement is used to extract data from the database??



c None




Q12: Which of the following elements marks The Ruby Text Component Of A Ruby

a None

b None

c Ruby


e Rt

f Rubytxt

Q13: Which command is used to access a running container??

a docker login container_id

b docker fetch container

c None
d docker exec -it container_id bash

e None

f docker run container_id bash

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