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Q1: The -b flag in an Ansible ad-hoc command indicates that the command should be

executed with sudo privileges.?

a None

b false

c None

d true

e None

f None

Q2: Which of the following function opens a file??

a None

b fopen()

c file_exist()

d filesize()

e fread()

f None

Q3: At its core, Kubernetes is a platform for:?

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c Packaging software in containers

d Provisioning machines (similar to Puppet, Ansible)

e Running and scheduling container applications on a cluster

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: Which command is used to copy file across different system??

a rcp

b scp

c mcp

d ncp

e rsync

f None

Q5: When you need to obtain the ASCII value of a character which of the following function
you'll need to use in PHP??

a .asc( );

b val( );

c ord( );

d None

e None

f chr( );

Q6: Which attribute is used to name an element uniquely??

a dot

b None


d None

e class

f all of above

Q7: What language is an Ansible playbooks are written in by default??

a HTML format

b JSON format
c YAML format

d None

e None

f XML format

Q8: How can we pass the variable through the navigation between the pages??

a None

b using sessions, cookies or hidden form fields.

c None

d using href link

e None

f using routings, headers or hidden form fields.

Q9: Which of the following runlevel will reboot the system??




d None


f None

Q10: How to restart the docker container with container id mentioned in the command.?

a $ docker restart 109cb6nw

The correct Answer is: None

c $ docker rs 109cb6nw

d $ docker res 109cb6nw

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q11: In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference.?

a None

b In WordPress, all objects are passed by reference.

c None

d None

e In WordPress, all objects are passed by value.

f None

Q12: How do you write the contents of 3 files into a single file??

a cat file1 >> file; cat file2 >> file; cat file3 >> file

b cat file1 > file || cat file2 > file || cat file3 > file

c cat file1 > file && cat file2 >> file && cat file3 >> file

d cat file1 > file && cat file2 > file && cat file3 > file

e cat file1 file2 file3 > file

f cat file1 > file; cat file2 > file; cat file3 > file

Q13: Ansible is an open-source agentless automation tool that enables you to easily
configure and deploy systems.?

a true

b None

c false

d None

e None

f None
Q14: Who designed the Linux OS??

The correct Answer is: None

b Steve Wozniak

c Steve Linus

The correct Answer is: None

e Steve Jobs

f Linus Torvalds

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