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Q1: HTML tags are surrounded by which type of brackets.?

a Angle

b None

c Round

d None

e Curly

f Squart

Q2: Which of the following key combinations allows to terminate the current process in
Linux shell??

a Ctrl + Z

b Ctrl + A

c Ctrl + L

d None

e None

f Ctrl + C

Q3: Which command can be used to change file access permission bits??

a umask

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d chmod

e chperm

f chown

Q4: Which of the following are true for routes in Laravel??

a None

b None

c Routes can point to a method on a controller and also dictate which HTTP methods
are able to hit that URI.

d Routes can only handle GET requests

e A route is an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

f You can not pass any arguments to your routes.

Q5: ____________ function in PHP Returns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)?

a headers_list()

b None

c None

d header_sent()

e header_send()

f header()

Q6: How will you pass and access arguments to a script in Linux/Bash??

a scriptName “Arg1” “Arg2”….”Argn” and can be accessed inside the script as $Arg1 ,
$Arg2 .. $Argn.

b scriptName "Arg1 Arg2….Argn” and can be accessed inside the script as $1 , $2 ..


c scriptName -arg “Arg1” “Arg2”….”Argn” and can be accessed inside the script as
$1 , $2 .. $n.

d scriptName “Arg1” “Arg2”….”Argn” and can be accessed inside the script as $1 ,

$2 .. $n.

e None

f None

Q7: Which of the following is true about Cookies??

a Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby sending data unencrypted
over the internet.

b None

c None

d Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby slowing down your web
application by transmitting the same data.

e Cookies are limited to about 4 KB of data . Not enough to store required data.

f All of the above.

Q8: How can we initiate a session in PHP??

a $session_start()

b None

c $_session_start()

d None

e session_start()

f None

Q9: ______ is distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs
to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines.?

a A Kubernetes service

b A Kubernetes pod

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e A Kubernetes volume

f etcd
Q10: Containers include the application and all of its dependencies, but share the kernel
with other containers. They run as an isolated process in userspace on the host operating

a None

b True

c None

d None

e None

f False

Q11: Docker image is created with a series of read-only layers and layer in docker
represents instructions on the Dockerfile of the image.?

a None

b The hypervisor needs extensive hardware for proper function while docker is
implemented on an actual operating system.

c None

d The hypervisor needs extensive software for proper function while docker is
implemented on an actual hardware system.

e None

f None

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