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Q1: Which of the following are true for routes in Laravel??

a A route is an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

b None

c You can not pass any arguments to your routes.

d Routes can only handle GET requests

e Routes can point to a method on a controller and also dictate which HTTP
methods are able to hit that URI.

f None

Q2: How to list a particular Kubernetes deployment??

a kubectl describe deployment my-dep

b None

c None

d kubectl get deployment my-dep

e kubectl ls deployment my-dep

f kubectl info deployment my-dep

Q3: What is Gravatar??

a WordPress core functionality


c None

d Globally Recognized Image or Photo

e Profile Image

f A Plugin

Q4: Which of the queries below will return 0 (false)??


b None




f All those will return 1 (true)

Q5: Which command is used to create new directory??

a None

b cdir

c dir

d None

e mkdir

f newdir

Q6: How can we redirect the output of one command to the another command??

a Use the Xargs command

b Use the stdin and stdout

c Use the numbers 1 and 2 for standart input(stdin) and standart output(stdout)

d Both commands which include stdin and stdout

The correct Answer is: None

f Place the commands connected with pipes (|).

Q7: What is the full form of HTTP??

a Hyper text transfer package

b None
c Hyper text transfer protocol

d none of the above

e Hyphenation text test program

f None

Q8: Which function in PHP is used to get the length of a string variable??

a strcount

b strlen

c None

d None

e len

f count()

Q9: Which of the following attribute triggers event when an element gets user Input??

a Onhaschange

b Oninput

c Onloadeddata

d None

e Ondata

f None

Q10: To create a new deployment in kubernetes, use the command?

a kubectl deploy

b kubernetes set deployment

c kubectl run

d kubernetes get deployment

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q11: Wildcards are?

a characters such as $ which perform pattern matches

b None

c characters such as % which perform single character matching

d not supported by MySQL

e used to perform pattern matches

f None

Q12: Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your web page??

a <tr>

b <hr>

c None

d <line>

e <line direction="horizontal">

f None

Q13: Which command can give disk usage summary??

a du

b None

c chkdsk

d df

e fdisk

f None

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