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Q1: The PHP syntax is most similar to:?

a None

b Perl and C

c Bash

d VBScript

e None

f JavaScript

Q2: Containers running on a single machine all share the same operating system kernel, so
they start instantly and make more efficient use of RAM.?

a False

b None

c None

d None

e True

f None

Q3: What is the She-bang line in a shell script?

a #!

b !#

c None of the above

d None


f None

Q4: What is the Container Runtime??

a None

b Software that is responsible for running containers

c A command line tool for communicating with a Kubernetes API server

d Stored instance of a Container that holds a set of software needed to run an


e An API object that manages a replicated application

f None

Q5: How can you get involved with WordPress??

a Edit the Codex (documentation)

b Help in the Forums

c None

d All of these

e Attend Word Camp

f None

Q6: Where in Wordpress can you discourage search engines from indexing this site??

a None

b From the Tools->Export Section

c From the Plugins Section

d From the Users Section

e None

f From the General->Reading Section

Q7: If you want to change the text color to red which of the following tags you'll use??

a None

b < Body Text = Red>

c < Body Bgcolour = Red>

d None Of These

e None

f < Body Colour = Red>

Q8: What Is The Use Of Kube-controller-manager??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e kube-controller-manager embeds the core control loop which is a terminating

loop that regulates the state of the system.

f kube-controller-manager embeds the core control loop which is a non-terminating

loop that regulates the state of the system.

Q9: Which among the following have the maximum available bytes??

a Varchar

b Char

c None

d Text Type

e Both Varchar And Char

f None

Q10: What will be the output of the following query INSERT INTO students (student name)
VALUE ('James Lenon');?

a None

b a student record with the name James Lenon will be added into the students table
c the above query will generate an error message.

d None

e None

f None

Q11: How to get all resources with simple output (just the resource name) in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl api -o name

c None

d kubectl api -r name

e kubectl api-resources -o name

f kubectl api-resources name

Q12: Which of the following are true for routes in Laravel??

a You can not pass any arguments to your routes.

b None

c None

d Routes can only handle GET requests

e A route is an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

f Routes can point to a method on a controller and also dictate which HTTP methods
are able to hit that URI.

Q13: What will happen if two tables have names 'users' and 'USERS'??

a This is not possible because table names are case insensitive

b This is possible only on UNIX/LINUX

c This is possible only on Windows

d This is possible because table names are case sensitive

e None

f This depends on lower_case_table_names system variable

Q14: MySQL supports different Character Sets, which command is used to display all of

a SHOW; ;


c None Of The Mentioned

d None

e None


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