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Q1: What is called if a value shouldn't be greater than 100??

a Over-defined constraint

b Referential constraint

c None

d None

e Integrity constraint

f Feasible constraint

Q2: The employees table has 20 records, what will be the output of the query SELECT
gender FROM employees GROUP BY gender;?

a the query will not return any records

b the query will return two rows only

c the query will generate an error message

d None

e None

f the query will return 20 records

Q3: What is the name of the Template Engine utilized by Laravel??

a Pug

b None

c Twig

d None

e Blade

f Squirrelly

Q4: Which Process Validates And Configures Data For The Api Objects Like Pods, Services??
The correct Answer is: None

b kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the api objects.

The correct Answer is: None

d kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the cli objects.

e kube-apiserver process validates and configures data for the gui objects.

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: How to build a Dockerfile??

a None

b None

c $ docker build <path to docker file>

d $ docker build in <path to docker file>

e None

f $ docker build to <path to docker file>

Q6: tcpdump is a packet-sniffing Linux command that offers administrators the ability to
monitor what??

a Application performance

b Files and directories

c None

d Network traffic and activity

e None

f Server performance

Q7: How to kill a container??

a None

b docker kill <container_id>

c $ docker --kill <container_id>

d None

e docker terminated <container_id>

f None

Q8: Which command is used to create a deployment in Kubernetes??

a kubectl deploy

b kubectl run

c kubernetes set deployment

d kubectl apply deployment

e None

f None

Q9: How to show metrics for a given pod and its containers in Kubernetes??

a kubectl top pod POD_NAME --containers

b kubectl top POD_NAME --containers

c None

d kubectl resources pod POD_NAME --containers

e kubectl status pod POD_NAME --containers

f None

Q10: UPDATE keyword is used for:?

a to create database elements

b to manage users

c to select data

d None
e to change data

f None

Q11: Which command can be used to execute a command/s repeatedly for the given

a while

b set

The correct Answer is: None

d for

e crontab

The correct Answer is: None

Q12: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Model??

a php artisan make:model ModelName

b None

c php artisan model create ModelName

d php artisan model:make ModelName

e None

f php artisan create:model ModelName

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