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Q1: What is the correct JavaScript syntax to change the content of the HTML element


a #demo.innerHTML = "Hello World!";

b None

c document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello World!";

d None

e document.getElement("p").innerHTML = "Hello World!";

f document.getElementByName("p").innerHTML = "Hello World!";

Q2: Which of the following tags represents a section of the document intended for
navigation in HTML5??

a dialog

b nav

c section

d None

e footer

f None

Q3: Wildcards are?

a None

b characters such as % which perform single character matching

c used to perform pattern matches

d None

e characters such as $ which perform pattern matches

f not supported by MySQL

Q4: Null is used as a place holder for optional fields?

a True

b None

c None

d None

e False

f None

Q5: How can we check if the value of a given variable is a number??

a numeric(true)

b None

c is_numeric()

d None

e numeric()

f None

Q6: What are Shortcodes in WordPress and how we can use it??

a None

b Shortcodes is a specific code that is used to do control loop.

c Shortcodes is a specific code that is used to do recursion.

d Shortcodes is a specific code that is used to do several tasks with less effort. Also,
it is synonymous with the shortcut.

e None

f None

Q7: Which of the following is an attribute of the <Table> tag??


c None

d None



Q8: How to list all Kubernetes services in the current namespace??

a kubectl dump services

b kubectl print services

c None

d kubectl get services

e kubectl get-all services

f None

Q9: What is Docker Swarm mode??

a None

b Docker swarm is a tool for managing your CI/CD pipelines

c A swarm is a group of machines that are running Docker and joined into a cluster

d A swarm is the name of the latest Docker release

e Docker swarm is also known as Docker Hub

f None

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