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Q1: Which of the following are true for a pod in Kubernetes??

a Pods are the simplest units in the Kubernetes object model that you create or

The correct Answer is: None

c You can have only 1 container running in 1 pod

d A pod is the same as a container

The correct Answer is: None

f A Pod represents processes running on your Cluster

Q2: Which among the following have the maximum available bytes??

a Text Type

b Varchar

c Char

d None

e None

f Both Varchar And Char

Q3: The main MySQL program that does all the data handling is called?

a None

b Mysqld

c Mysql

d Httpd

e Mysql.exe

f None

Q4: What does HTML stand for??

a None

b Home Tool Markup Language

c Hyper Text Markup Language

d None

e Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

f None

Q5: How to list all the docker containers running/exited/stopped with container details.?

a $ docker ls -a

b $ docker ps -a

c $ docker details -a

d None

e None

f None

Q6: What is the function to get website url in wordpress??

a None

b None

c get_website_url();

d get_url();

e None

f get_site_url();

Q7: Which command do we need to execute to check the available repos in yum (CentOS)?

a yum reposearch

b yum reposhow
c yum repolist

d yum listrepo

e yum searchrepo

f yum showrepo

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