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Q1: Which of the following method can be used to create a MySql database using PHP??

a mysql_create()

The correct Answer is: None

c mysql_query()

d None of the mentioned

e mysql_connect()

f mysql_close()

Q2: What Python library can you use to perform array and matrix manipulations??

a math

b None

c None

d Numarray

e Algorithm

f Numpy

Q3: How can you restore the WordPress core files??

a None

b The core files can be fetched via your dashboard

c The core files can be downloaded back from Database.

d The core files can be downloaded back from your local machine as long as you
have a backup

e None

f The core files can be downloaded back from site.

Q4: In which variable is the users IP address stored??


b None


d None


f $_ENV

Q5: When you need to obtain the ASCII value of a character which of the following function
you'll need to use in PHP??

a ord( );

b val( );

c None

d chr( );

e None

f .asc( );

Q6: Which of the following answers refers to a software tool used for searching and
installing software packages on Debian and Debian-based Linux distributions??

a None

b yum

c apt-get

d apt-rpm

e None

f rpm

Q7: At its core, Kubernetes is a platform for:?

The correct Answer is: None

b Running and scheduling container applications on a cluster

The correct Answer is: None

d Packaging software in containers

e Provisioning machines (similar to Puppet, Ansible)

The correct Answer is: None

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