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Q1: The __________ Element represents a span of text that is isolated from it's surroundings

for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting?


b None

c None

d Bdo

e Bdi

f Base

Q2: On which of the following systems can minikube be installed on? Select one.?

a macOS

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d Linux

e All of the mentioned

f Windows

Q3: Ansible is an open-source agentless automation tool that enables you to easily configure
and deploy systems.?

a true

b None

c None

d false

e None

f None

Q4: To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use??
a None

b <input type="dropdown">

c all of above

d None

e <list>

f <select>

Q5: How can you pass a variable by reference??

a $var1 = &$var2

b None

c $var1 === &$var2

d None

e $var1 == &$var2

f None

Q6: What do you need to specify in your Ansible playbook to stop gathering facts??

a facts_gathering: no

b None

c None

d facts: no

e gather: no

f gather_facts: no

Q7: Which of the mentioned is not part of the so called Superglobals variables which are
automatically available in every scope.?






Q8: One of the early proponents of a Relational Database who laid down many of the
principles we use to this day was:?

a None

b William Crawford

c Xigang Koi

d Mahatma Coate

e None

f Edgar Codd

Q9: A one to many relationship can only contain multiple entries of both primary and
foreign keys.?

a None

b None

c None

d False

e True

f None

Q10: The SQL keyword BETWEEN is used??

a For Ranges

b To Limit The Columns Displayed

c None

d None

e As A Wildcard

f None Of The Above

Q11: Which of the following is NOT a valid PHP comparison operator??

a None

b >=

c >==

d None

e <=>

f <>

Q12: What is service container in Laravel??

a None

b Service container is a tool used for performing dependency injection in Laravel.

c None

d None

e None

f Dockerized Laravel applications are called service containers.

Q13: What are Docker objects??

The correct Answer is: None

b Docker images, containers and services

c Files, Plugins and Base

The correct Answer is: None

e Code, Databases and Local storage

The correct Answer is: None

Q14: When looking for all the processes running on a Linux system, what command should
you use??

a None

b xrun

c oterm

d None

e ps

f service

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