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Q1: Which command is used to create a Kubernetes service??

a kubectl set service

b kubectl deploy service

c None

d None

e kubectl create service

f kubectl expose

Q2: MySQL supports multiple database storage engines.?

a None

b False

c None

d True

e None

f None

Q3: How can you detect the client's browser name??

a None

b client.navName

c None

d None

e navigator.appName


Q4: DISTINCT keyword is used for:?

a None

b There is no such keyword

c For selecting only unique records by a specific field

d To reduce the load on the server with loss of query performance

e To speed up the selection for a specific field

f None

Q5: Which are the three looping constructs provided by shell?

a each

b while

c foreach

d done

e for

f until

Q6: How can we list out all currently executing background processes??

a proccess -aux

The correct Answer is: None

c ps -e

d top

The correct Answer is: None

f ps faux

Q7: How can you make a bulleted list??

a None

b <dl>
c <ol>

d <list>

e <ul>

f None

Q8: How to dump pod logs, with label name=myLabel (stdout) in Kubernetes?

a kubectl logs -l name=myLabel

b kubectl pod -l name=myLabel

c None

d None

e kubectl log name=myLabel

f kubectl logs -l .name[*]=myLabel

Q9: What is a WordPress taxonomy??

a None

b None

c In WordPress, a “taxonomy” is a grouping mechanism for some pages .

d In WordPress, a “taxonomy” is a grouping mechanism for some plugins .

e None

f In WordPress, a “taxonomy” is a grouping mechanism for some posts (or links or

custom post types).

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