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Q1: How to check the history of deployments including the revision in Kubernetes??

a kubectl rollout log deployment/frontend

b kubectl rollout history deployment/frontend

c kubectl rollout diff deployment/frontend

d None

e kubectl rollout show deployment/frontend

f None

Q2: Words ORDER BY in the SQL operator?

a eliminates all repeated rows from the result set

b allows you to combine the results of individual queries across multiple tables into
a single result table

c None

d None

e converts the value of a column or function to a different type

f changes the order of output rows

Q3: What are the responsibilities of a node controller??

a To assign a CIDR block to the nodes

The correct Answer is: None

c To monitor the health of the nodes

The correct Answer is: None

e All of the mentioned

f To maintain the list of nodes

Q4: How can we propagate a session id??

a None

b You can propagate a session id via cookies or URL parameters.

c None

d None

e You can propagate a session id via headers and routing.

f None

Q5: How to mark a node called my-node as schedulable in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl uncordon my-node

c kubectl schedulable my-node

d None

e kubectl available my-node

f kubectl up my-node

Q6: Is Kubernetes open-source??

The correct Answer is: None

b False

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f True

Q7: Which input type defines a slider control??

a controls

b None
c search

d slider

e range

f None

Q8: What is service container in Laravel??

a None

b None

c Service container is a tool used for performing dependency injection in Laravel.

d Dockerized Laravel applications are called service containers.

e None

f None

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