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Name of Learner: ______________________________________Section: ______________

GradeLevel: __________________________________________Date :________________


“Necessity is the mother of all inventions” – a famous proverb quoted by well-known historical
and literary figures like Plato, Aesop and Victor Hugo. This quote is relevantly true and still
manifests today. Technology advanced because of the people needs for convenience1.

Man, as a social being, also has his need to information and communication. Nowadays ICT
cannot be separated with our daily needs. Thus, Information and communication technologies
will be tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences
for learning in the professional tracks.



Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - deals with the use of different
communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet, etc. to locate, save,
send and edit information2. It brings a lot of advantages for economic development enabling
millions of transactions to happen in an easy and fast way. The Internet and The Web have
significantly impacted the way world communicates, entertains and conducts business.

The different online platforms of World Wide Web:


When the World Wide Web was invented, most web pages were static. Static (also known as
flat page or stationary page) in the sense that the page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated
by the user. The content is also the same for all users. Entirely made up of the Web pages
connected by hyperlinks.


The user can see a website differently than others. Most websites that we visit are Web 2.0.
Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted
services, and web applications.

Features of Web 2.0

1. Folksonomy. It allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using

freely chosen keywords (e.g., tagging). This is also referred to as hashtag.
2. Rich User Experience. local content. In the case Content is dynamic and is
responsive to user’s input. An example would be a website that shows of social
networking sites, when logged on, your account is used to modify what you see in their
WEB DEVELOPMENT & INTERNET TECNOLOGIES 2ND EDTION iBook Development Group 2015, iBook Publishing Inc. Philippines
3. Long Tail. Services are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase. This
is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for time you spent in the
Internet, or a data plan that charges you for bandwidth you used.
4. User Participation. The owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put
content. Others can place a content of their own by means of comment, reviews, and
evaluation. Some websites allow readers to comment on an article, participate in a
poll, or review a specific product (e.g., Shoppee,, online stores).
5. Software as a Service. Service allows you to “rent” a software for a minimal fee rather
than buying it. For instance, Google Docs is a free web-based application that allows
the user to create and edit word processing and spreadsheet documents online.
6. Mass Participation. It is a diverse information sharing through universal web access
based on people from various cultures1.


The Semantic Web is a movement led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The aim
of Web 3.0 is to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s preferences to be able to
deliver web content specifically targeting the user.

Several problems of Web 3.0

o Compatibility -HTML files and current web browsers could not support Web 3.0.
o Security - The user’s security is also in question since the machine is saving his or her
o Vastness - The World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages.
o Vagueness - Certain words are imprecise. The words “old” and “small” would depend on
the user.
o Logic - Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a computer to be able
to predict what the user is referring to at a given time1.


1. CONVERGENCE - Technological convergence is the synergy of technological

advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For example, the so-called fax revolution was
produced by a convergence of telecommunications technology, optical scanning technology,
and printing technology.”
2. SOCIAL MEDIA - Social media is a website, application, or online channels that enable
web users to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.

Six types of Social Media:

• Social Networks • Media Sharing

• Bookmarking Sites • Microblogging
• Social News • Blogs and Forums


Today, the latest mobile devices use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest
mobile network. Also, mobile devices use different operating systems:

*iOS *Android *Blackberry OS *Phone OS Windows

*Symbian * WebOS *Windows Mobile


Assistive media is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual and reading
impairments. A database of audio recordings is used to read to the user. It is a nonprofit
service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.


Online interactions are becoming as important as face-to-face ones and it made The Internet,
as a powerful tool, can be used to promote your business, gain new friends, and stay in touch
with the old ones.

The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool but also one of the most dangerous places, especially if
you do not know what you are doing. As we know, things published online are difficult or
sometimes impossible to remove, if things go badly online, they go badly therefore we need
to develop ‘netiquette’—standards of behavior for people online.

Netiquette is a term used for Network Etiquette, or Internet Etiquette. As the online social
presence continues to grow, so does the need for rules of conduct to reinforce respect,
kindness, and understanding in this growing platform of communication.


1. Use Computer With Courtesy. Whether a person is sending an e-mail, chatting in a chat room
or speaking in a forum, it is important to be polite and respectful of others online.
2. Use Emoticons. By using emoticons, the writer’s proper emotion will be conveyed to the
reader. It avoid possible misinterpretation on the message.
3. Keep It Short & Simple (KISS). It is important to keep the messages short. By using common
chats abbreviations or acronyms, not only will the reader appreciate the brevity of hat
message; but will also save the author valuable time typing the message.
4. DON’T SHOUT. Typing in bold, all caps, or other formatting style conveys emphasis and
emotion. All Caps is considered shouting.
5. Pay Attention to Language Issues. It is also important to remember people from other
countries may be participating in the conversation, so language barriers may be a problem.
6. Think Before You Click. It is important to note that whatever is posted online today may come
back and haunt the writer tomorrow.
7. Keep Personal Information Private. Identity theft is a rapidly growing concern. User must be
careful in posting personal information.
8. Obey Copyright Laws. Be mindful of copyrights. Just as copying someone’s writing is
considered plagiarizing, if done at least they must acknowledge the source and references
9. Help Internet Newbies. Users must be patient and helpful with others. Remember everyone
was a newbie once.
10. Be Aware of Cyber Bullying. If targeted by a cyber bully, do not respond. Keep all ORIGINAL
correspondence with dates and times if possible. If the messages are of a threatening nature
or safety concern, contact law enforcement as soon as possible.
The Ten Commandments Of Computer Ethics

1. Thou Shall Not Use A Computer To Harm Other People. Avoid posting comments or
opinions that you would not feel comfortable speaking to someone directly and keep
comments and subject matter appropriates.
2. Thou Shall Not Interfere With Other People's Computer Work. While collaboration of
works is now patronized on the Web with online document processing, it is still important to
keep one’s privacy.
3. Thou Shall Not Snoop Around In Other People's Computer Files. Snooping around in
another person's files or reading someone else's personal messages is the invasion of his
4. Thou Shall Not Use A Computer To Steal. Stealing sensitive information or leaking
confidential information is as good as robbery.
5. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Bear False Witness. Do not contribute to the spread
of misinformation using computer technology.
6. Thou Shall Not Copy or Use Proprietary Software for Which You Have Not Paid. If you
create something—an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or a research, you have the
right of how it should be used by others. This is called intellectual property. Refrain from
copying software or buying pirated copies.
7. Thou Shall Not Use Other People's Computer Resources Without Authorization Or
Proper Compensation. Accessing data such as password that you are not authorized to
access or gaining access to another user's computer without her permission is not ethical.
8. Thou Shalt Not Appropriate Other People's Intellectual Output. It is wrong to claim
ownership on a work which is the output of someone else's intellect. Indicate the sources on
footnotes a bibliography.
9. Thou Shall Think About The Social Consequences of The Program You Are Writing
or The System You Are Designing. Before developing a software, think about the social
impact it can have. It is better to promote an encouraging and socially- healthy cyberspace.
10. Thou Shall Always Use A Computer in Ways That Ensure Consideration and
Respect for Your Fellow Humans. While communicating over the Internet, one should treat
others with respect. One should not intrude others' private space, use abusive language,
make false statements or pass irresponsible remarks about others.


Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and content to best
achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-

Activitity 1

Direction: Choose from the box the term being described on the items. Write the letter of
your answers on the space provided before each number.

a. Assistive Media e. Mass Participation i. Web 1.0

b. Convergence f. Mobile Technologies j. Web 2.0
c. Folksonomy g. Social Media k. Web 3.0
d. Information Communication h. Software As Service
And Technology
______1. The aim is to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s preferences to be able to
deliver web content specifically targeting the user.
______2. It deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones,
telephone, Internet, etc. to locate, save, send and edit information.
______3. When the World Wide Web was invented, most web pages were static. This is referred to;
______4. The page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user. This is referred to as;
______5. Content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input.
______6. The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and
reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries.” This is referred to as;
______7. It is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.
______8. It allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information using freely chosen
keywords (eg.tagging).
______9. It is a website, application, or online channels that enable web users to create, co-create,
discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.
______10. One of its features web2.0 that refers to a diverse information sharing through universal
web access based on people from various cultures.

Activity 2

DIRECTION: Using the Internet, look for the webpages of the pages listed below. Evaluate whether
are Web 1.0, Web 2.0, or Web 3.0.

____________. ____________.6. Voice Recognition

____________. 2.WolframApha ____________. 7. Facebook
____________. 3. ____________. 8. Encyclopedia Britannica
____________. 4.Youtube ____________. 9. Trio Healthcare Group
____________. 5. Instagram ____________. 10. The New York Times

Activity 3

Direction: Let us review your knowledge basic manners when surfing the web. Match column
A with Column B by writing the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
__________ 1 Courtesy A All capital letters
__________ 2 Shouting B With license fee
__________ 3 Chain Letters C Results to revoked network privileges
__________ 4 Proprietary Software D Legally downloadable for free
__________ 5 Subject E Expressages one's feelings
__________ 6 Chat Abbreviations F Hacking credits cards
__________ 7 Plagiarism G Applying of the KISS rule
__________ 8 Emoticons H Must be really related to email content
__________ 9 Stealing Online I Copyright law violation
__________ 10 Open Source J Ending chat session with a goodbye
Activity 4

Direction: List the items being asked.

6 Features of Web 2.0 4 ICT TRENDS

2 2
5 4

Activity 5


Direction: Read the story carefully. Answer the questions provided below.

November 2012, a video went viral on Facebook about a girl, speaking angrily to a lady guard in a
train station and comments against the former sprouted like a big mass of mushrooms.


She was calling the girl’s attention because she did not place her bag under the screening machine.
Unfortunately, the girl just ignored her, so the lady guard tried to stop her by holding the latter’s hand.
Then the girl started shouting at her. Though the lady guard tried to talk to her in nice. Calm voice and
apologizing to the latter, the girl continued shouting at her1.

GIRL’s Side Story

She claimed that she just forgot to put her bag under the screening machine, which is a part of protocol
when riding the train. The lady guard caught her attention in a disrespectful manner. She claimed to
the guard forcefully and tightly held her arm. Then that was the time she started to raise her voice.
Now, when the train station supervisor saw the incident, the lady guard suddenly changed her
behavior from being a wolf to a lamb. And when she asked for apology the lady guard just grinned
and acted as if she was not sincere with her sorry making the girl angrier 1.

1. Who do you think another person involved in this incident which went viral?

2. How do the spreading of the video affect both parties?

3. Which of the ten commandments of computer ethics was violated?

WEB DEVELOPMENT & INTERNET TECNOLOGIES 2ND EDTION iBook Development Group 2015, iBook Publishing Inc. Philippines
4. Why do we need ‘netiquette’?

5. What lesson can you draw, as a student and as an IT user in the AMALAYER video
incident based on the case study. (5 points)


Think about your life with media. How is your digital media life like? Compose an insightful reflection paper
on the nature of ICT in the context of your lives, society, and chosen professional (i.e. Arts, Technical
Vocational, Sports, and Academic Tracks) track then Compare and contrast the implications of varied online
platforms, sites and content; to best achieve specific needs, objectives; or to best address the challenges in
the classroom or that of your community. Write down in 300 words.

Publishing Inc. Philippines


Prepared by

Teacher I
Alvindia-Aguso High School

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