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COMP1220 Tutorial 1 Sem II 2019-20 (Jan 27-31)

See Notes: Comp1220 Intro UWI notes Sem II 2019-20

and Computing History Part 1 :
Ancient Computing, and the Invention of Mainframe Computers,
Operating Systems, High-Level Languages, slides 1 to 14
a. What is the Ishango Bone, where/what time period is it from, and why do Mathematicians find it

b. What is its significance in the history of Mathematics/Computing? Where is it stored and why?

2. Referring to the video on Egyptian Math in the slides, carry out the long division examples yourself using
their techniques, and check your work against the video solution. Then change the numbers they used and
try with these new numbers.

a. In what parts of the world does the early abacus appear? Approximately when was the Abacus
b. What are some of the areas of the world that it is used in commerce today?
c. How and why is it used in Japanese education today?

d. Draw on paper 9510 on a Japanese Soroban abacus, then add 1, then subtract 2.
e. What paradigm of computing machinery does the abacus fall into – manual or mechanical or both?

a. Why do you think the designers of modern computers did not learn from the achievements of the
ancient Egyptians, Ethiopians, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans and others ?

b. How do you think students and researchers might learn from other little-known achievements in
the future?

5. What are the main areas that the course will cover?

Discuss or highlight points raised in the introductory slides (the overview of the course) that you
found interesting and/or are looking forward to learning more about aspects of the course.

Imagine yourself, a few years after graduation, as a (pick a role…)

 CIO (Chief Information Officer) or CTO (Chief Technical Officer) or IT Manager
 Advisor or consultant to the government or to a corporation
 Working with the government in a role where decisions have to be taken about policies, laws, etc.
involving IT/ICT, or even as a Government Minister
 Actuary or financial expert/advisor
 Researcher in an organization (in your field)
 Entrepreneur/startup founder
 Computing professional
 Postgrad student
 Lecturer, Educator. Professor, Dean, etc….

Now imagine/describe a scenario where you have to advise or make a decision about IT – what are
some positive or negative aspects, opportunities or risks presented by IT (pick an example)?

How do you think the course topics/issues are important for you as an aspiring Computing or STEM
(Science/Tech/Engr/Math) or professional in general, or in terms of:

a. Interacting with other professionals, managers, investors, customers

b. Evaluating computing technology as a decision maker in the private or public sector

c. Developing your own designs and innovations

d. Thinking about the impact of computing technology at the local, regional and global level on people
and on the natural environment

Refer to the Animation Project 1 description. Start to think or brainstorm about ideas for the project. If
you need clarification on any aspect of the project, ask the tutor.

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