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Q1: How can you make a numbered list??

a None

b None

c <ul>

d <ol>

e <dl>

f <list>

Q2: In which directory by default user home directories are created??

a /user

The correct Answer is: None

c /usr

d /home

e /tmp

f /etc

Q3: Which of the following statements are true about SQL injection attacks??

a None

b None of the above

c Parametrized queries do not make code less vulnearable to SQL injections.

d Usage of later versions of MySQL, validation, and explicit setting of the charset of
user input are valid measures to decrease vulnerability to SQL injections.

e SQL injections are not possible, if only emulated prepared statements are used.

f Wrapping all variables containing user input by a call to

mysql_real_escape_string() makes the code immune to SQL injections.

Q4: How are functions in PHP which starts with __ (double underscore) known as??
a Magic Function

b User Defined Function

c None

d None

e Inbuilt Function

f Default Function

Q5: How to list all of your services in Docker swarm??

a docker ls service

b docker service ps

c None

d None

e docker get service

f docker service ls

Q6: Which tag creates a check box for a form in HTML??

a <input=checkbox>

b None

c <input type="checkbox">

d <checkbox>

e None

f <input checkbox>

Q7: The HTML global attribute, "contenteditable" is used to:?

a Specifies a context menu for an element. The menu appears when a user right-
clicks on the element
b Update content from the server

c Specify whether the content of an element should be editable or not

d Return the position of the first found occurrence of content inside a string

e None

f None

Q8: From which file does the command `free` takes it's information?

a /proc/freemem

b /dev/memfree

c /dev/meminfo

d /dev/freemem

e /proc/meminfo

f /proc/memfree

Q9: Volume mapping maps the host server's directory into the Docker container. The data
will remain in a safe and accessible place if you do which of the following??

a re-create the container

b delete the container

c break the container

d migrate the container

The correct Answer is: None

f backup the container

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