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Q1: In HTML, what does the <aside> element define??

a A list to be included in a certain part of the page

b The ASCII character-set; to send information between computers on the Internet

c None

d A navigation list to be shown at the left side of the page

e Content aside from the page content

f None

Q2: What is the difference between characters \034 and \x34??

a None

b None

c \034 is hex 34 and \x34 is octal 34.

d \034 is octal 34 and \x34 is hex 34.

e None

f None

Q3: Which of the functions is used to sort an array in descending order??

a None

b rsort()

c asort()

d dsort()

e sort()

f None

Q4: What is UMASK??

The correct Answer is: None

b UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which not really used anymore and is
considered legacy.

c UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which is replaced by the chmod command

now however it's still largely used.

d UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which automatically sets file permissions

created files.

The correct Answer is: None

f UMASK is a Unix environment variable, which automatically sets the file visibility.

Q5: A low-level utility that can be used for creating/restoring filesystem backup copies in
Linux is called:?

a None

b fsutil

c format

d diskpart

e dd

f None

Q6: The HTML global attribute, "contenteditable" is used to:?

a None

b Specifies a context menu for an element. The menu appears when a user right-
clicks on the element

c Return the position of the first found occurrence of content inside a string

d Specify whether the content of an element should be editable or not

e Update content from the server

f None

Q7: What does PHP stand for??

a PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

b Personal Hypertext Processor

c None

d Personal Home Page

e None

f Private Home Page

Q8: Which of the following aligns media objects??

a Medilist

b Mediobject

c Medibody

d Media

e None

f None

Q9: How do you find the number with the highest value of x and y??

a None

b Math.max(x, y)

c None

d Math.ceil(x, y)

e top(x, y)

f ceil(x, y)

Q10: Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from:?

a Dockerfile
b docker.yaml

c docker.config

d None

e None

f docker.json

Q11: Which of the answers listed below refers to a Linux command that allows for assuming
the identity of a different system user and executing commands with security privileges of
that user account??

a usermod

b sync

c None

d id

e None

f su

Q12: How can we add comments in PHP??

a /* commented code here */

b None

c // commented code to end of line

d None

e # commented code to end of line

f all of the above

Q13: How to list all the docker containers are running with container details.?

a None

b None
c $ docker ps

d $ docker details

e $ docker ls

f None

Q14: Choose the correct HTML element to define emphasized text?

a None

b <em>

c <italic>

d None

e <it>

f <i>

Q15: Which of the following method of Exception class retrieve the error message when
error occurred??

a getMessage()

b getError()

c getCode()

d getFile()

The correct Answer is: None

f getLine()

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