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worksheet level 2
Try not to look at the transcript while doing these exercises! Always read the
instructions and all the information in the tasks before listening. Listen as many
times as you like.

An apple a day

1 Before listening: in Britain we say ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’.
Can you think of any sayings or general views that people in your country
have about health? Make a list:
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________
• _________________________________________

2 Before listening: look at some more examples from Britain. Decide whether
you think these are true or false and put a cross (8) in the true or false column.

true false
1 It’s dangerous to swim after eating
2 Carrots can help you see in the dark
3 You only use 10% of your brain
4 You can catch nasty things from [public] toilet seats
5 The human body is 98 % water
6 You should drink 3 litres of water a day to stay healthy
7 An apple a day keeps the doctor away
8 Fish is better than meat for your health
9 Green tea is good for you

3 Listen for general meaning: listen to the whole podcast and put a tick (9) if
your answer was correct. How many did you get right?

4 Listen for detail: listen to the whole podcast again.

a If you get a pain when swimming what should you do?

• carry on swimming
• call for help
• get out of the water

b What do carrots contain?

• vitamin A
• beta-carotene
• vitamin C

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c Which is the unhealthiest place in a house?

• the bathroom
• the bedroom
• the kitchen

d The human body is…

• 70 percent water
• 17 percent water
• 77 percent water

e Orange juice has a lot of…

• vitamin C and oxygen
• dangerous molecules
• vitamin C and antioxidants

f Which drink contains caffeine?

• tea
• coffee
• tea and coffee

g Tick (9) the things that apples and apple juice contain:
• antioxidants
• potash
• potassium
• fibre
• nutrients
• minerals

h How often should you eat fish?

• once a week
• twice a week
• twice a month

i Choose the correct stress pattern for these words

• salmon zQ / Qz
• tuna zQ / Qz
• mackerel zQ / Qz
• sardines zQ / Qz

j Which is better?
• black tea
• black tea with a little milk
• good quality green tea

j What are the missing words?

Always leave __________ on the side of your plate and don’t have __________

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answers level 2
Why not look at the transcript before checking your answers?

An apple a day

true false
1 It’s dangerous to swim after eating 9
2 Carrots can help you see in the dark 9
3 You only use 10% of your brain 9
4 You can catch nasty things from [public] toilet seats 9
5 The human body is 98 % water 9
6 You should drink 3 litres of water a day to stay healthy 9
7 an apple a day keeps the doctor away 9
8 Fish is better than meat for your health 9
9 Green tea is good for you 9

4 a get out of the water

b beta-carotene
c the kitchen
d 70 percent water
e vitamin C and antioxidants
f tea and coffee
g antioxidants, potassium, fibre, nutrients
h twice a week
I salmon Q z tuna Q z mackerel Q z sardines z Q
j Always leave something* on the side of your plate and don’t have second

*In your country is it better to eat everything on your plate or to leave



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