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Day 1
Alexandre Lu Dubec arrived at his daily shift at his new job as a security worker for an
abandoned pizzeria. After his previous stint as a dishwasher for famed child molester Adrien
Lung, he desperately needed money to pay for his ever increasing rent. This was, unfortunately,
the only job available at the time. He found the atmosphere to be tense, almost scary. It was
dim at best, and the lights constantly flickered as if a ghost was switching the lights on and off.
Alex couldn’t wait to go home.
He looked at the clock after what felt like an extremely long amount of time. 8:59 PM,
one minute before the end of his shift. He sighed with relief. He stood up, his legs fairly tired
from the hours spent sitting down not moving. As he walked down the long hallway towards
the exit, the TV in the main dining room suddenly turned on. He jumped, his breathing
beginning to quicken as his body temperature began to drop. Alex looked at the TV with
curiosity. It was just the news channel, but something felt… off
“We report with great sadness that a 4 yr old girl was murdered just 3 minutes ago in the
house you are seeing right behind me. An unknown man wearing all black broke into the
residence of 5 and into her room before killing her and escaping through the front door.
Though not much is known at the current time, the culprit is believed to be Adrien Lung, an
escapee who was charged for multiple instances of child molestation. Let us hope that justice
will come swiftly not just for the community, but also the family who is currently deeply
saddened from the incident.”
Alex recognized that name immediately. Adrien was an abusive man to him. He was
paid like dirt and treated as such. Nothing was ever good enough. Stacks and stacks of dishes
that he was expected to do in an impossibly short amount of time made him so sick and tired
of his job that he quit in the middle of a shift without any idea of how he was going to get
another job.
“You fucking retard.” Adrien said with a sadistic smile. “The only reason I paid you
anything is because I’ll get arrested if I don’t. You’re a good for nothing, autistic jew that can’t
even fucking wash the dishes properly! You should just go kill yourself! That way, you can at
least not spread your autism elsewhere, you dumb faggot n@!%er!”
The TV suddenly turned off, and he just stared at the blank screen for what felt like an
eternity. He mustered up the little bit of willpower he had and left the pizzeria.
Day 2
Alex’s felt as if he was going to stab himself at any moment. His job consisted of
nothing but monitoring the 7 security cameras around the premises, and he was desperate for
some sort of entertainment in the confines of his small office space. He looked down and saw a
knife given to him by the owner of the pizzaria. “Incase anything happens, use this as
protection.” He found that statement ironic now, as he saw the knife more as a tool for
self-harm rather than self-protection. Pessimistic thoughts began to pour in from every corner
of his mind. “You should just do it. Nobody cares about you anyways.” “Your life is shitshow
waiting to happen. Do you really want to live to see that?” Thoughts were racing in his head at
such a quick pace that he couldn’t control it anymore. His head felt as if it was about to
explode from the pressure within. He suddenly grabbed the knife from the table near him, and
attempted to stab himself using all the force he could muster. Just then, he heard the front
door open.
Alex looked down. The knife was just a centimetre away from his chest. He hid the
knife in a drawer and slowly went outside his office space. “It’s just my boss,” he thought. He
looked all around him. No one. He stared at the dimly lit hallway to his left. It was now 7
o’clock at a particularly dark night, meaning that he couldn’t even see the end of the hallway.
He suddenly felt nervous. What if it wasn’t my boss? What if someone is here to kill me? He
carefully rushed back to his office space and grabbed the knife he had previously stashed away.
“Who’s there?” Alex yelled. “Show yourself, NOW!”
He grew more nervous by the second. He held out his knife and slowly opened the
door. The lights in the hallway were mysteriously turned off. He looked left and right but to no
avail. His eyesight was horrendous in the dark, meaning that he could barely even see anything
at all. He walked out, the foot tiles making a loud creak sound with every step. He slowly
walked down the hallway, his heart beating faster and faster, his sweat getting colder and colder.
He felt a calm breeze behind him. He turned around.

Day 3
Alex woke up in an unfamiliar room. He was chained to a pipe in the corner and
couldn't move. He looked around. The room felt eerily similar to something he couldn’t quite
picture at the time. It had an excessive amount of red lights, and the only thing in the room
besides the massive amount of blood smeared on the walls was a sink stacked with dirty dishes.
The faucet was dripping water every 2-3 seconds or so. The sound it would make was initially
calming at first, but quickly became almost unbearable. Suddenly, a man dressed in all black
came into the room.
“Miss me?” The man asked with an almost joyous expression.
“Who the fuck are you?” Alex said in a demanding yet nervous way.
“Man, I never knew you had Alzheimer's as well.”
Alex knew at that moment. Adrien Lung. He didn’t quite know what was happening. All he
knew was that he needed to escape.
“There’s no point in trying to escape.” Adrien said firmly. “You’re too autistic to figure
it out. Think of my actions as a favor to society.”
“Fuck y- SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING N@!%ER!” Adrien interrupted.
Alex didn’t dare to even speak after that. His mind was once again racing. He had so many
questions he wanted to ask but couldn’t, so many slurs he wanted to scream at him that he felt
as if it was just going to slip out of his mouth. One question however, radiated in his mind
above all else: why in the absolute fuck did Adrien kidnap him?
“You know, I had a blast after escaping prison. I robbed multiple convenience stores at
gunpoint, stole many possessions from the elderly, and best of all…”
He had a massive, sadistic looking grin on his face. He momentarily walked out of the
room before entering again, this time holding a 4 yr old girl in his arm. Alex realized at that
“I was very surprised that my stunt at the Leung’s family home worked. They all took
the bait and thought she was dead. How wrong. How very wrong.” Adrien said, admiring the
baby’s face with an almost obsessive look.
“No you did not.” Alex said instinctually.
“Yes I did! You won’t believe how easy it is to abduct a baby from underneath a family’s
“You’re a fucking mons- NO I’M NOT YOU FUCKING JEW RETARD
Adrien looked at Alex with disgust. He was the epitome of an autistic, gay jew,
something Adrien had strong negative feelings for. He hated autism, he hated the LGBTQ
community, but most of all, he despised the jews.
“If you were anybody else, I would’ve shot you and went on with my day, but I think
you can be useful to me.”
He took out a small golden key and inserted it into Alex’s handcuffs, setting him free.
He tried to lunge at Adrien the first second he was free, but Adrien pulled out a revolver and
pointed it at his head.
“Don’t try anything. I have a bad temper, you should know that, so don’t disappoint
He pointed to the stacks and stacks of dishes to Alex’s left.
“Clean each and every one of them immaculately or die.” Adrien threatened. “NOW”
Adrien left the room, leaving Alex all alone once more. He contemplated what to do.
The door was locked and he was unable to unlock it with anything inside of the room,
eliminating his chances of escape entirely. He could resist and not do the dishes, but he didn’t
want to die. Hesitantly, he walked over to the sink and grabbed a random plate. The plate was
absolutely disgusting. It smelled terrible and there were so many bits and pieces of stuck food
that he knew would be a pain to clean off.
Suddenly, he heard a loud moan coming from somewhere above him accompanied by
what sounded like a young girl crying not far away. He realized what was happening, but he
couldn’t do anything about it. In an act of desperation, he finally turned on the tap to drown
out some of the noise upstairs and began to clean his first plate.

Day 4
Alex was exhausted. His arms felt completely dead, his legs felt numb. He had no sense
of time in the room. What felt like hours and even days to him could theoretically be just a few
minutes in reality. Many times, he just considered not cleaning the dishes and letting Adrien
dispose of him. What use was he to the world anyways? He hadn’t done anything special apart
from having special needs. He could code, and well at that, but he couldn’t find a job anywhere
using his computer knowledge. That’s how he ended up as one of Adrien’s dishwashers, the
only difference from then to now being that he was previously being paid. He felt stuck, both
figuratively and literally.
The piles and piles of dishes were slowly decreasing. It took him what felt like close to a
minute to wash each plate thoroughly (though he often had to go back and clean some specks
of food he missed on a few plates). He was growing more desperate second by second. All he
wanted was to breath fresh air, to see something other than the blood on the walls, the dirty
dishes in the sink yet to be cleaned, and most of all, the fucking red lights. It was almost
blinding to him. He couldn’t fucking stand it. He wanted to end it all, experience a reality
other than this one, but he couldn’t. He was a wuss, and he knew he didn’t have the guts to kill
himself. He was too scared of what lies beyond.

Day 5
He did it. Alex put the last dish on the drying rack and lied on the floor with a sigh of
relief, unable to move. He didn’t know how long it took. An hour, a day, a week? His sense of
time was absolutely destroyed. Suddenly, the door opened. Adrien stood there, still holding the
4 yr old girl tight in his arms with his signature devious smile. He looked at Alex, helpless on
the floor, and then to the cleaned piles of dishes.
“Huh, I didn’t expect you to finish. So you aren’t completely fucking worthless after
“What now huh?” Alex asked in an almost desperate tone. “What the fuck do you want
from me.”
“I wanted to see if you were as useless as I thought you were.” Adrien replied. “Clearly, I
was a tiny bit wrong. You can at least clean the dishes. How would you like some more?”
Alex suddenly became extremely nervous, his eyes open so wide he felt as if they were
going to pop out of his eye sockets at any moment. He didn’t want to do more. He wanted to
leave, to get out of this shitty room, to go back to his home and masturbate like he had always
done. He would do anything to even see a colour other than red.
“Oh, and I thought you would enjoy that. Well, sorry to say, but you’re not getting out
of here. I would never let a jew leave and return to society, would I?”
Another man about Adrien’s height wearing all black walked in with a massive trolley
filled to the brim with dirty dishes. Alex looked at the man with confusion. He didn’t know
who he was, nor what was even happening at the moment.
“Look, I brought you a friend! He’s a little shy, I’ll say that, but he’ll prove useful to
you, hopefully.”
Adrien then closed the door and locked it. Alex looked at the piles of dishes he would
have to do next, and then to the man in the room. He hadn’t noticed before, but he had blood
smeared all over his clothes. He could barely even see him, his clothing almost perfectly
blending into the dark room.
“Who the fuck are you?” Alex asked with intrigue.
The man didn’t respond. He stood there, his body suddenly beginning to shake so
violently Alex thought there was some sort of earthquake happening. Suddenly, he heard a
loud moan coming from somewhere above him accompanied by what sounded like a young
girl crying not far away. He recognized the sound instantly. The man looked up. His face was
fully covered with a black mask, but even so Alex could see his expression: fear.
OOOOOOOOO!!!” The man yelled.
Alex covered his ears so tightly his ears began to bleed. The scream was deafening, as if
he was about to lose someone important to him. The man began to pound on the wall so
violently the wall shook with the force. Suddenly, the wall gave in, revealing what seemed to be
the house's washroom. Alex stood in shock at the power this man possessed. The man ran
through the wall with a scream. Alex gave chase. He saw the front door right in front of him.
He could escape, free himself from the shackles placed on him by Adrien, but no. He wanted
blood. He wanted revenge. He went to the living room on his left in search of where the man
had gone. It was there that he saw it: a single shot rifle with a 5 round magazine loaded into it.
He hastily grabbed the gun and found a long flight of stairs leading to the second floor. He ran
up the stairs so quickly he almost tripped and fell. He turned right. A door was bashed open on
the far side of the hallway. He ran across and into the room. It was like he had entered another
dimension. The man had removed his mask somewhere along the way, his face showing signs of
PTSD and most of all, anger. Adrien was right in front of the man. He was completely naked,
massive amounts of semen filling every small crevice of the room. The 4 yr old girl he had
previously held onto so dearly was now on his bed, soaked with cum. Adrien smiled devilishly.
Adrien grabbed the 4 yr old and put a knife on her throat. The 4 yr old began to cry.
Suddenly, Alex recognized the unmasked man. Paco Leung. He had a sister who people were
constantly inappropriate with. No matter what he did, he couldn’t stop the constant barrage
of comments about his sister. “I’ll give backshots to your sister.” “She will be soaked with cum
the next time you see her.” One day, he couldn’t stand it. He was diagnosed with depression at
the age of 15 and his life fell into a downward spiral. His grades fell from consistent A’s to low
C’s. His relationship with his friends, his peers, and his family disintegrated. In the end, he was
left with nothing. Many people saw him as dangerous, a threat to society, a worthless jew who
didn’t deserve the gift of life. Alex, however, realized that his true danger lied not with his
strength or evil mentality, it lied with the fact that he had nothing to lose.
Paco stared at Adrien for what felt like an eternity. Adrien held the knife with renewed
firmness, the 4 yr old almost choking from the force. Paco glanced to his right. He saw the gun
Alex held in his hands. Instantly, Paco lunged at the gun. Alex was paralyzed, unable to move
from the tense atmosphere in the room. Adrien, realizing what was about to happen,
attempted to lunge the knife into her throat. Paco grabbed the gun and with a loud scream,
pulled the trigger.
Alex looked around. He couldn’t quite remember what had happened just a few
seconds previously. Paco was on the ground, the recoil from the gun forcing him back. The 4 yr
old girl dropped on the floor with a loud thud. Adrien fell to the floor, the bullet penetrating
cleanly through the middle of his forehead. He was completely lifeless, as if the reaper had
sucked the soul out of him. Alex was again paralyzed. His hand was shaking so violently his
wrists began to hurt. Suddenly, Paco, unable to handle the immense pressure, grabbed the gun
once more and used it one final time on himself. His head exploded almost instantaneously,
blood painting the wall behind him. Alex regained control of his body, the shock seemingly
having opened up bottled up courage from deep within him. He too grabbed the gun. He
looked at the innocent girl crying on the floor. He contemplated just ending her suffering,
putting her down to alleviate the pain, but he doubted Paco wanted that. He pointed the fun
up and into his chin. Many times Alex had wanted to do this, but he lacked the resolve in every
attempt. He once even broke into a man’s house to hang himself using the tightrope in the
man’s bedroom, but he somehow managed to snap the rope before his neck even touched it.
Not this time though. Not this time. Alex held onto the trigger firmly, unwilling to let go. He
looked back at his life. His little successes, his many failures, the many years spent with autism
experts. He hated his life, especially now. He didn’t want to see the bloodshed that occurred
tonight. He should’ve just left the moment he saw the front door. His hands were shaking, the
gun’s barrel felt as if it was going to pierce into his chin.
He pulled the trigger

5 minutes ago
Officer Chauvin was enjoying a coffee at the local Starbucks. It was a fairly brisk night.
The moon was full and shining brightly, and the stars shone with an almost magical glow. He
looked down at his watch. 8:59 PM, one minute before the end of his shift. He sighed with
relief. He didn’t necessarily like his job. His leg was shot in a gunfight with a black gang just a
few days before, leaving him in a state of paralysis. He could still move somewhat, but the leg in
which he was shot constantly hurt even after surgery and pain medicine. He couldn’t wait to
get home and get some well deserved sleep. That was, until he received a call from his captain,
Captain Harry.
“Officer Chauvin, respond to a call on 6908 Robson Dr. It’s an emergency.”
Officer Chauvin never really liked his captain. He considered him to be a stupid and
incompetent captain who constantly let his team down. Chauvin was reprimanded by him for
his behaviour so many times his records looked more like a novel than a folder. Racist slurs this,
Inappropriate comments that. Officer Chauvin wasn’t going to take it any longer.
“I’m off my shift captain. Tell another officer on patrol to respond.”
“I swear to fucking god Chuavin, I don’t want to write you up again, but I will if you
don’t fucking close that mouth of yours and do as I say you fucking dimwit!”
It was useless to argue now. It was the only leverage Captain Harry had on Chauvin. He
had nowhere to go if he was fired, and Captain Harry knew that. Chauvin silently cursed at
him before throwing his half-drunk coffee onto the ground and walking to his patrol car. It was
only a few minutes away.
The outside of the home looked fairly normal. It was just like any other residential
home in the area. It was so normal in fact that he had to double check whether or not he was at
the right place. There were no patrolmen outside. He was all alone. He slowly got out of the car
and limped towards the front door. His leg started to hurt again. “Of all the fucking times it
could hurt.” he thought. He knocked on the door with three loud knocks. Knock, Knock,
Knock. Nothing. He knocked harder. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK, but to no avail. He
rang the doorbell multiple times. Nothing.
“Anyone at home?” He said.
Chauvin pulled his gun, a Glock-17, out from one of the pockets on his waist. He then,
with his non-injured leg, kicked the door with all the force he could muster, forcing the door
open. Nothing. He walked around. He discovered a small room with a one way lock on it. He
opened it and walked in. His eyes began to squint. The room was completely red, from the
walls to the lights. He pointed his flashlight at one of the walls and to his horror, saw huge
splashes of blood. He looked to his right. There was a trolley with massive piles of filthy dishes
which have yet to be cleaned. He looked to his left. He saw a massive human-sized hole leading
to a washroom. He walked through. Just then, he heard something coming from above him. A
ringtone. He recognized that ringtone like it was yesterday. A friend of his, Ronnie Mcnutt,
shot himself live on stream. This was the ringtone that played right after his death: over the
horizon. He exited the washroom and looked around. He found a long flight of stairs. He
slowly walked up, his leg now in immense pain. He turned right. The door to one of the rooms
was open on the far side of the hallway. He held his Glock-17 and flashlight tightly before
slowly making his way towards the room. The ringtone was getting louder, and louder, and
louder. His heart began to beat faster, and faster, and faster. He couldn’t handle it anymore.
The atmosphere was too tense. He began to sweat. He felt his body temperature drop
considerably. Suddenly, the ringtone stopped. His courage suddenly returned to him and he
marched forward until he reached the entrance to the room. He entered the room.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. 4 people lay on the ground in front of him, a bloodied rifle
on the floor near his foot. He picked it up and examined it nervously. Just as he thought, 3
rounds were used. He looked at the lifeless bodies. Chauvin recognized one of them almost
immediately. Adrien Lung, famed child molester, and prison escapee. Right next to him was a
young girl, who he assumed to be no more than 4 yrs old. Surprisingly, the girl seemed to be
breathing! He walked over to the girl and picked her up, carrying her away from the brutal
crime scene. Just then, a phone in the room vibrated. A message. He put the girl down and saw
the phone in one of the body's pants. He looked away. His face was completely disfigured, as if
someone had planted a bomb inside his jaw and exploded it. He pulled the phone out. A
voicemail from “Anthony Wong”. He decided to listen to it.
“You’re a faggot and nobody loves you. You thought you were good at coding? You couldn’t
code for shit even if your life depended on it you fucking jew.”
Chauvin looked at the man who this voicemail was directed to with a sudden feeling of
sadness. He then picked up the girl and walked out of the room.


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