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Name: Jaycel P.

Bayron Yr/Course/Section: 3 BS in Accountancy

Professor: Sir Roy Gacus Date: May 26, 2021

A Reflection on The Organization of International Business

With the rapid increase and expansion of international business due to globalization, comes the
rapid growth on the studies on the structure of businesses as well as understanding their systems as to
how their transactions travel national boundaries without delays and minimizing failures.

Taking accountability on responsibilities in a firm place a vital part in achieving a structured

organization. Playing the role of each person, as to whom reports to whom, who is under who, or who
submits to who is as important as arranging events accordingly to avoid confusion internally and
externally. Thus, businesses must attain an end which has a structured organization consists of people,
process, structure, culture, and control.

Reading articles pertaining to structures of businesses globally has gave me knowledge on how
companies work hand by hand. From the front desk staff up to the master and central unit which
mandates and governs the entirety of the corporation. Personally, as each article discuss about the
different structures companies could adapt, in my opinion vertical differentiation is what I prefer and
believed to reach an organized system in a business. Since it is a centralized way of disseminating
responsibilities and accountabilities wherein staffs and employees have a significant part and voice in the
firm. However, my belief has still room for contradicting arguments such as it still depends upon the type,
nature, and size of business”. Well, of course those really matters. But in my opinion, vertical
differentiation applies to all and is more systematized amongst others.

Moreover, organizational structures of local or domestic businesses differ from those engaged in
international trade. They have more factors to consider and more branches to operate which then leads to
higher responsibilities to address. That is why for me, there is a need to deeply study the nature and
process of activities in terms of global trade. Being unaware of the system could significantly affect the
whole organization since they are all interrelated.

Furthermore, businesses engage on international trade for me requires a substantive study on

how they could effectively implement strategies given that they lack physical connection because of their
different locations. In this way they need a centralize quarter where they could report as a whole on the
transactions which took place on their respective areas. Thus, a well defined and made structure should
consider the essential factors affecting each country.

In conclusion, systems and organized structures are essential in entering into the corporate world
especially on international trade. It requires a mind that sets for the general welfare of its subordinates
and sister companies, especially on its employees and the market. Through this, even with the dynamic
and fluctuating demands of the environment, companies could still push through the end desire of being a
competitive and established business with a well maintained brand image and structured system in the

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