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“I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

-Isaac Newton

1. What do you think Newton has seen?

In the quote, what Newton meant on what he has seen further than others were his constant discovery
of what is in the Universe. His lifetime was spent on unfolding new innovations, working, and studying
things that would deliberately help humanity in understanding existence. Not just this, he also covers
physics, mathematics, and other fields of study, in which he became successful. Newton’s dedication
made him convey the quote that through his hard work, he was able to see further than other people.

2. Who do you think Newton refers to giants?

On the other hand, the giants Newton refer to in which he stands on its shoulders are his fellow
scientists and researchers. Through their help, Newton was able to successfully finish his discoveries.
Without their initial research, he could not have paved his way. Among the scientists who are the giants
the carried Newton’s discoveries are Galileo and Kepler. Their initial foundation and knowledge on the
science of motion aided Newton on his contribution to science. Truly, the knowledge of yesterday has
something to do with the achievements of today.

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