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Variant II
I Listening

Listen to the conversation and answer these questions

1. When did Web browsers appear?
2. What two examples of using less formal English were mentioned?
3. What another problem in Eleanor’s class was mentioned?
4. Who called the Internet “a freedom of expression”?
5. What do the teachers need to make sure?

II Reading
1. Read the text and select whether the statement is true (T) or false

Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc using

computers with the help of programming. Computer graphics is made up of
number of pixels. Pixel is the smallest graphical picture or unit represented on the
computer screen. Basically, there are two types of computer graphics namely.
Computer Graphics involves a two-way communication between computer
and user. Here the observer is given some control over the image by providing
him with an input device for example the video game controller of the ping pong
game. This helps him to signal his request to the computer. The computer on
receiving signals from the input device can modify the displayed picture
appropriately. To the user it appears that the picture is changing instantaneously in
response to his commands. He can give a series of commands, each one
generating a graphical response from the computer. In this way he maintains a
conversation, or dialogue, with the computer.
Interactive computer graphics affects our lives in a number of indirect
ways. For example, it helps to train the pilots of our airplanes. We can create a
flight simulator which may help the pilots to get trained not in a real aircraft but
on the grounds at the control of the flight simulator. The flight simulator is a
mock-up of an aircraft flight deck, containing all the usual controls and
surrounded by screens on which we have the projected computer-generated views
of the terrain visible on take-off and landing. Flight simulators have many
advantages over the real aircrafts for training purposes, including fuel savings,
safety, and the ability to familiarize the trainee with a large number of the world’s

1. Computer graphics is made up of number of lines, pictures, charts using

computers with the help of programming
2. Computer graphics is divided into two types
3. Computer graphics uses the method of two-way communication
4. Interactive computer graphics doesn’t influence our lives
5. Real aircrafts are much better than the flight simulators because it
includes fuel savings, safety and the ability to familiarize the trainee with a large
number of the world’s airports.
2. A) Read the text and try to understand its content.
You and your family are at risk of virtual attacks.
A decade ago, the Internet was something only “techies” talked about. It
was a new limitless source of information, with very few users. Today, the
Internet has already become an essential part of our lives. It’s where we access
our banking records, credit card statements, tax returns and other highly sensitive
personal information. By the end of this decade, over 2 billion people will be
connected to the Internet—that’s about half the world’s current population. But
with all the good things the Internet offers us, it also opens the door to serious,
potentially devastating threats. Unlike corporate and government computer
systems, few personal computers have any safeguards beyond basic virus
protection. That means anytime you’re online, you are a potential target for online
criminals and hackers. And if you have high-speed Internet access, your computer
is online most of the time, making Internet criminals and hackers a 24-hour-a-day,
year-round threat to you, your personal information, and your family. When you
access the Internet, your computer sends a message over the Web that uniquely
identifies your computer and where it is located. This allows the information
you’ve requested to be returned to you. Often, this requested information carries
with it unwanted hidden software created by hackers and online criminals. This
software installs itself on your computer and can either be just a nuisance or pose
a more serious threat to you, your identity and sensitive financial information.
Usually the nuisances are visible and easy to identify, while the more dangerous
threats are typically invisible, silent, and difficult to detect until it’s too late. The
key to a safe, enjoyable Internet experience is understanding the difference
between what a threat is and what isn’t.
B) Choose the correct answer in accordance with the content of the text.
1. A decade ago the Internet was:
a) full of hackers
b) dangerous threat
c) a limitless source of information
2. More than 2 billion people will be connected to the Internet:
a) approximately in 10 years
b) in 24 hours
c) soon
3. Unlike corporate and government computer systems, few personal
computers have:
a) access to the Internet
b) safeguards
c) requested information
4. Web that uniquely identifies:
a) computer and where it is located
b) a message
c) criminals
5. The key to a safe, enjoyable Internet experience is:
a) hidden software created by hackers and online criminals
b) typically, invisible, silent, and difficult to detect until it’s too late
c) comprehension of the difference between what a threat is and what isn’t.

III English in Use

Read and choose the word that best fits each space.
The Internet has (1) _______ entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows
that the Internet is a global computer (2) _________, which embraces hundreds of
millions of users all over the world and helps us to (3) _______ with each other.
The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military
experiment, (4) ________ to help to survive during a nuclear war, when
everything around might be (5) _______ by radiation and it would be dangerous
to get out for any living being to get some (6) _________ to anywhere.
Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest and safest path available from
one computer to (7) _______. Because of this, any two computers on the net will
be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between
them. This (8) _________ was called packet switching.
Invention of (9) ________, special devices allowing your computer to send
the information through the telephone (10) ________, has opened doors to the
Internet for millions of people.

1 yet already since
2 line grid network
3 underestimate create communicate
4 proposed designed switched
5 polluted sent threatened
6 pollution information manner
7 other another others
8 availability path technology
9 modems telephones devices
10 device line equipment

 ВV Grammar Comprehension
Choose the answer that best fits each space.
1. The train_______in 5 minutes.
a. arrived b. is arriving c. has arrived d. arrives

2. He was walking when he _______on a banana skin

a. were slipping b. was slipping c. slipped d. had slipped
3. She _______two years old next month.
a. is b. is going to be c. will be d. was

4. My car_______yesterday.
a. is serviced b. has been serviced c. will be serviced d. was serviced

5. That was very _______show.

a. exciting b. excited c. excitement d. excite

6. She said it_______a brilliant idea.

a. is b. will be c. has been d. was

7. He is too young. He_______be your father.

a. mustn’t b. needn’t c. should d. can’t

8. She is too shy_______to the manager.

a. talk b. talking c. to talk d. to talking

9. It’s no use_______for the bus. It won’t come.

a. waiting b. to wait c. to waiting d. wait

10. If she studied harder, she _______the test.

a. had passed b. would have passed c. will have passed d. would
11. I _______speak French.
a. don’t b. doesn’t c. am not d. are not
12. I_______for ten hours, so I felt exhausted.
a. was driving b. drove c. had been driving d. have been driving

13. I hope I_______the exam.

a. pass b. am passing c. will pass d. passed

14. A new law _______by the government yet.

a. wasn’t passed b. won’t be passed c. isn’t passed d. hasn’t been

15. This film was very_______

a. frightening b. frightened c. being fright d. having fright

16. She said she_______to me next day.

a. will talk b. talks c. will be talking d. would talk

17. I’m sure they _______at home now.

a. can b. may c. should d. must
18. He advised me_______for the job.
a. applying b. apply c. to apply d. applied

19. _______keeps you fit.

a. Swimming b. Swim c. To swimming d. To swim

20. If I had time, I _______ a sport.

a. will take up b. can take up c. would had taken up d. would take up

V Translation Practice
A) Read the sentences in English and choose the appropriate
translation into Ukrainian

1. Applications software are the programs written to solve specific

problems (applications), such as payroll, inventory control and investment
a. Прикладне програмне забезпечення – це програми, написані для
вирішення конкретних завдань (прикладних), такі як нарахування заробітної
плати, управління запасами і інвестиційний аналіз.
b. Додатки програмного забезпечення – це програми, написані для
вирішення конкретних завдань (прикладних), такі як нарахування заробітної
плати, управління запасами і інвестиційний аналіз.
c. Прикладне програмне забезпечення – це програми, написані для
вирішення конкретних завдань (прикладних), такі як формування платіжних
відомостей, управління запасами і інвестиційний аналіз.

2. Five basic operations are characteristic of all data processing systems:

inputting, storing, processing, outputting, and controlling.
a. П'ять основних операцій характерні для всіх систем управління
даними: введення, зберігання, обробка, виведення і управління.
b. П'ять основних операцій характерні для всіх систем обробки даних:
введення, зберігання, переробка, утримання результату і управління.
c. П'ять основних операцій характерні для всіх систем обробки даних:
введення, зберігання, обробка, виведення і управління.

3. In the design of computer data processing systems it’s important to allow

computers to free humans from routine, error-prone tasks.
a. У дизайні комп'ютерних систем обробки даних важливо, щоб
комп'ютери звільнили людей від рутини, яка схильна до помилок при
виконанні завдань.
b. При розробці комп'ютерних систем обробки даних не потрібно,
щоб комп'ютери звільнили від рутини людей, які схильні до помилок при
виконанні завдань.
c. При розробці комп'ютерних систем обробки даних важливо, щоб
комп'ютери звільнили людей від виконання одноманітних завдань я яких
легко пропуститись помилки.

4. Digital computers, as contrasted with analog computers, deal with

discrete rather than continuous quantities.
a. Цифрові комп'ютери, у порівнянні з аналоговими комп'ютерами,
працюють з дискретними, а не безперервними величинами.
b. Цифрові комп'ютери, у порівнянні з аналоговими комп'ютерами,
мають справу з безперервними, а не з дискретними величинами.
c. Аналогові комп’ютери, у порівнянні з аналоговими комп’ютерами,
мають справу з дискретними, а не безперервними величинами.

5. A symbolism and a set of rules suitable for manipulating logical devices

was developed by George Boole in the middle of the 19th century.
a. Позначення і набір правил, придатних для управління логічними
пристроями були розроблені Джорджем Булем в середині 19-го століття.
b. Символізм і набір правил, придатних для управління логічними
пристроями були розроблені Джорджем Булем в середині 19-го століття.
c. Позначення і набір правил, придатних для логічного управління
пристроями були розроблені Джорджем Булем в середині 19-го століття.

B) Read the sentences in Ukrainian and choose the appropriate

translation into English

1. Існують різні типи комп’ютерів різного розміру і потужності, в тому

числі суперкомп’ютер, ЕОМ, міні-ЕОМ, персональний комп’ютер.
a. There are different types of computer of varying size and power,
including supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer, personal computer.
b. There is different types of computer of varying size and power, including
supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer, personal computer.
c. There are different type of computer of varying size and power, include
supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer, personal computer.

2. Незважаючи на те, що розпізнавання мовлення, можливо, ніколи

повністю не замінить інші пристрої вводу інформації, інтерфейси
майбутнього пропонуватимуть поєднання різних типів вводу.
a. Though speech recognition may never be a complete replacement for
other input devices, future interfaces will offer a combination of different input
b. Though voice recognition may never be a full replacement for other input
stuff, future interfaces will offer a combination of different output types.
c. Though speech recognition may never be a complete change for other
input devices, future interfaces will have a variant of different input types.
3. Комп'ютер може замінити людей в нудній, рутинній роботі, але він
працює у відповідності до наданих йому вказівок.
a. A computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks, but it works
according to the instructions given to it.
b. A computer can replace people in curious, routine tasks, but it works
according to the instructions given to it.
c. A computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks, but it works
according to the instructions that it produces

4. Деякі мікропроцесори виробляють з використанням

комплементарної структури метал-оксид-напівпроводник.
a. Some microprocessors are made using complement metal-oxide-
b. Some microprocessors are made using complementary metal-oxide-
c. Some microprocessors are made with solid-body metal-oxide-

5. Комп'ютери, які були розроблені для використання технології

інтегральних схем були названі комп’ютерами третього покоління.
a. The computers that were designed to use integral circuit technology were
called third generation computers
b. The computers that were designed on the integrated circuit technology
called third generation computers
c. The computers that were designed to use integrated circuit technology
were called third generation computers

VI Writing
Some day we’ll be talking to computers naturally, like friends. Do you
agree or disagree? Write a short summary describing your own predictions as for
the future of computers, giving reasons to your points of view (12-15 sentences)

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