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Mary Lyn S.

Datuin 12/11/2023
BSA 2-04

1). Is it ever morally justifiable to break the law? Under what circumstances?
The acceptability of breaking the law varies based on different perspectives. Some believe
it's acceptable if it increases overall happiness, while others argue it's inherently wrong as rules
must be followed. Some liken it to breaking a societal agreement we all share, and there's a notion
that breaking the law for a just cause, like protesting injustice, might be justified. In certain
situations, breaking the law could be seen as necessary to prevent severe harm. Opinions on this
matter differ, and it's not always straightforward.

2). Should individuals prioritize personal happiness over the well-being of others?
Finding a balance between personal happiness and the well-being of others is key. While
it's normal to pursue happiness, it's equally important to think about how our choices affect those
nearby. Achieving harmony that supports both our well-being and the welfare of others is generally
considered a positive approach. It involves navigating a path that acknowledges the pursuit of
personal happiness while being considerate of the needs and happiness of those around us.
Striving for this balance fosters a healthier and more interconnected community.

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