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Sabrina Johnson

Sister Empey

FCS 380

20 November 2023

Field Trip Write Up/Report

On the Thursday and Friday of November 16th and 17th, our class FCS 380 – Connect

Education and Employment took a field trip to Logan, Utah. On the drive there and on the way

back we visited many places that taught us the importance of applying what we’ve been learning

and will learn in this class. For example, we learned how grants are especially important when it

comes to funding for schools.

We went to Malad High School, Sky View High School, and Logan High School. We also

went to Bridgerland College of Technology, and Eastern Idaho Community College. The places

where we ate were Wendy’s, Tandoori Oven, Camas Grill, Costco, and breakfast at the hotel we

stayed at (Hampton Inn and Suites). The places that went that were industry based were Aggie

Ice Cream, KimberBell, and Pepperidge Farms. We went to the Museum of Clean to see how

Family and Consumer Sciences have had an impact on the technology used for cleaning through

the years. We also visited a couple of Extension offices, the USU and USU SNAP, and

Bonneville. At each of the locations, our eyes were opened to all sorts of possibilities and what it

means to be a team and to work together to achieve goals and purposes.

I personally learned a lot about the difference between rural and urban schools, the

thousands of opportunities in industry that we have, to learn from, what extension really is and

what it looks like, and I learned a little bit about different cultures (Indian, Native American,

Low Income, etc.) I think the most impactful part of the trip for me was seeing the different high
schools and how each was unique and had their pros and cons, but I learned that I would be okay

teaching not just junior high school, but also high schoolers. Due to an experience, I had, I didn’t

think it would be a good fit and that I wouldn’t do so well, but after this trip and having a

positive interaction with many high schoolers, I came to the realization that I actually can do it,

and that each class will vary on the behavior and attitudes of the students.

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