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Ehsanullah dawlatzai
Introduction: Provide a brief background on
Facebook, such as its founding, purpose, and
current status as one of the world's largest
social media platforms.
User Statistics: Highlight the significant number
of users on Facebook, such as the estimated 2.8
billion monthly active users worldwide.
Key Features: Discuss some of the essential
features of Facebook, including news feed,
profile page, friend requests, messenger, and
various privacy settings.
Advertising and Revenue: Explain how Facebook
generates revenue primarily through
advertising, allowing businesses to reach a vast
audience using various ad formats and targeting
Data Privacy: Discuss the ongoing concerns
about Facebook's data privacy practices,
including controversies like the Cambridge
Analytica scandal and subsequent actions taken
by the company to strengthen user controls.
Community Guidelines: Highlight Facebook's
community guidelines, which aim to maintain
respectful and safe interactions among users
and prohibit hate speech, misinformation, and
other harmful content.
Expansion: Describe Facebook's expansion
beyond its core platform, such as its
acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp, and
how these acquisitions have contributed to its
overall growth and user base.

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