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Effects of Temperature on Chrysomya rufifacies

(Diptera: Calliphoridae) Development

Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida,
P.O. Box 110620, Building 970, Hull Road, Gainesville, FL 32611

J. Med. Entomol. 34(3): 353-358 (1997)

ABSTRACT Growth curves were studied for the egg, larva, and pupa of Chrysomya rufi-
fucics (Macquart) under mean cyclic temperatures of 15.6, 21.1, 26.7, and 35.0°C and a con-
stant temperature of 25.0°C. Development from egg to adult under all regimes ranged from
190 to 598 h. A constant temperature of 25°C produced a range of pupation times from 134
to 162 h, with adult emergence ranging from 237 to 289 h. The maximal preferential tem-
perature of 35.1°C was determined for maggots using a gradient system. Highly predictable

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developmental time, minimal larval length variation, and low cohort variation emphasize the
utility of this species in entomological-based postmortem interval determinations. Therefore,
C. rufifacies should be of primary forensic importance when recovered alone or in conjunction
with other species of Calliphoridae.

KEY WORDS Chrysomya rufifacies, temperature, insect development, forensic entomology,

forensic science, postmortem interval

ALTHOUGH THE FIELD of medicocriminal ento- Therefore, C. rufifacies is of profound forensic

mology has broad applicability, the use of ento- importance and considered to be one of the "pri-
mological evidence in legal investigations has its mary" flies (O'Flynn 1979) for use in postmortem
most frequent use in the establishment of post- interval estimations because of its rapid coloniza-
mortem intervals (Schoenly et al. 1996). Because tion of fresh corpses, oviposition activity through-
entomologists are being used increasingly in crim- out the daylight hours, and its abundance in both
inal investigations to assist in postmortem interval coastal and inland habitats. This study was con-
determinations, the availability of accurate devel- ducted to determine the developmental duration,
opmental and successional data on sarcophagous cohort variability, and temperature preference for
insects is of primary importance. Such information C. rufifacies.
will enhance the use of arthropods in death inves-
tigations through an improved understanding of Materials and Methods
development time and allow for accurate postmor-
tem interval estimations. Adult C. rufifacies were collected from human
The hairy maggot blow fly, Chrysomya rufifacies cadavers and from inverted cone traps baited with
(Macquart), is indigenous to the Australian and pork, fermenting sunflower and millet seed, and
oriental regions of the old world tropics (Holdaway chicken. These adults were held in an insectary at
1930, Greenberg 1971, Baumgartner and Green- 25 ± 2°C, 75-80% RH, and continuous light. The
berg 1984, Baumgartner 1993) and has been rap- F 3 generation colonies used for this study were
idly expanding its distribution. This species was held in screen cages (54 by 28 by 28 cm) with .250
found in the continental United States in 1981 adult flies fed a 50:50 mixture of table sugar and
(Gauge et al. 1982), and currently it is well estab- powdered milk, and fresh water.
lished in Louisiana, Texas, California, and Florida. Before development studies were initiated, lar-
With rapid dispersal and preference for larger car- val preferences for beef, chicken, pork, and bovine
casses (Anderson et al. 1988, Wells and Greenberg blood were determined. Larvae were placed in the
1994), this species has become the dominate blow center of a circular arena (61 cm diameter) with
fly on human cadavers in north and central Flori- bait choices located in pitfall traps equidistant
da, outnumbered only by C. megacephala (F.) in form the periphery and left undisturbed. After 12
southern Florida (J.H.B., unpublished data). As h, the number of larvae in each bait trap was
these immigrant species of Chrysomya expand to counted. This study revealed that 75-80% of the
new ranges, the potential exists for displacement larvae preferred center cut lean pork. Therefore,
of native species (Wells 1992; Wells and Greenberg the pork media were used exclusively for the es-
1992a, b). tablishment of larval growth curves.
0022-2585/97/0353-0358$02.00/0 © 1997 Entomological Society of America

Cyclic and Constant Temperature Develop- population had completed the respective larval and
ment. Cyclic temperature regimes were used with pupal stages.
means of 15.6, 21.1, 26.7, and 32.2°C and an am- Temperature Preference. This experiment de-
plitude of 5.5°C. Temperature cycles were selected termined the temperature preferred by developing
to encompass the broadest range of temperatures larvae and established a baseline developmental
possible and remain within the physical limitations temperature for use in postmortem interval esti-
of our test facility and labor requirements. All mations involving maggot masses in the event tem-
treatments had a photoperiod of 12:12 (L:D) h and perature recordings were not made at the death
75% RH. The photoperiod of 12:12 (L:D) h was scene. Larvae can regulate body temperature by
selected so that larval sampling would occur during positional effect within the mass so that a pre-
the period shift. Additional flies were allowed to ferred developmental temperature is maintained.
develop at constant 25°C and 24:0 (L:D) h. To determine the temperature preferences of de-
Three groups of ^lOO eggs each <20 min old veloping maggots, a temperature gradient was con-
were transferred into a S970 Dixie cup (8.5 cm structed along an aluminum plate. Eggs were
placed at 15-cm intervals in wooden troughs (76
diameter, 11 cm high, James River, Norwalk, CT.) cm long by 4.5 cm wide by 5 cm deep), which were
containing 200 g of whole center cut lean pork, lined with plastic wrap and packed with ground
and immediately were placed into a Percival en- pork to a depth of 2.0 cm. These troughs then

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vironmental chamber (Boone, IA) with ± 1°C con- were placed on an aluminum plate (84 cm long by
trol. This procedure was repeated at 2-h intervals 46 cm wide) with a Brinkmann circulating cooler
until 6 replicates were prepared, with a 12-h in- (Atlanta, GA.) set at 20°C and a custom circulating
terval between the 1st and last of the 6 replicates. heater with a Cole Parmer (Niles, IL.) temperature
A ratio of 1 larva per 2.0 g of pork was maintained controller set at 45°C. The cooler and heater were
by adding meat twice daily so that the metabolic connected to opposite ends of the aluminum plate,
heat generated by the feeding larvae would not be and thermal conduction produced a linear tem-
higher than the growth chamber settings and perature gradient of 0.29°C/cm along the length of
thereby accelerate growth rates. Although some the plate. This test system was placed in a Hotpack
larval aggregations were noticed, no meaningful (Philadelphia, PA.) environmental chamber to reg-
temperature elevations of the rearing media were ulate ambient temperature at 25 ± 1°C and 80%
recorded by a type-K thermocouple fluid probe in- RH.
serted in each rearing cup. The mean temperature of the maggot mass cen-
Two of the largest maggots from each of the 3 ter and the range of temperatures at which actively
subsamples within each of the 6 samples were re- feeding maggots were found on the mass periphery
moved twice daily (at 12-h intervals) until 10% of were recorded at 24-h intervals. Temperatures
the cohort had pupated. Larval instar and stage were recorded using a digital thermometer
duration was based on the fastest developing 10% (±0.1°C) with a type-K thermocouple fluid probe.
of the sample population. Stage duration was re- After maggots reached the start of the migrating
corded after 10% of the individuals had completed phase, they were transferred to an adjacent trough
development into that stage. Time of pupation was on the plate that contained builders sand (1.0 cm
characterized by failure of the larvae to elongate deep) for burrowing and pupation. The tempera-
and move in response to being disturbed (Byrd ture ranges at which fully formed pupae were
1995). found were recorded, and the pupae were held at
For measurement purposes, maggots were killed their mean temperature for adult emergence.
immediately in boiling water and transferred to
75% ethyl alcohol. Lengths were measured to the
nearest 0.1 mm using an electronic digital caliper. Results
Selection of this sampling method was justified be- Cyclic and Constant Temperature Develop-
cause of the common practice of collecting a rep- ment. Maximal length of C. rujifacies larvae were
resentative sample of the insect fauna and then plotted against time for each of the cycling and
selecting for largest maggots for measurement at a constant temperature regimes (Fig. 1). With the
death scene. In doing so, the investigating ento- exception of the 32.2°C regime, temperature had
mologist assumes that the largest larvae of a par- little effect on peak larval length, although pupal
ticular species are the oldest individuals and prob- length progressively decreased with decreasing
ably developed from the 1st egg clutch. temperatures. The mean pupal length in all ex-
Variation of Pupation and Emergence Times. perimental rearings was 8.1 ± 0.9 mm (mean ±
Range of pupation and emergence times were SD).
studied to determine if this factor should be in- Incremental increases in the mean temperature
corporated into the postmortem interval estima- produced consistently shorter time requirements
tion. Eight cohorts of 600 individuals each were for the first 10% of the population to complete
reared under a constant 25 ± 1°C with a photo- pupation and emergence (Table 1). Times for full
period of 12:12 (L:D) h. Times of pupation and emergence and pupation under each of the 5 tem-
adult emergence were recorded after 10% of the perature regimes are summarized in Table 2. An
May 1997 BYRD AND BUTLER: DEVELOPMENT OF C. rufifacies 355


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I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I I I
g 2
Fig. 1. Mean length of 6 largest C. rufifacies larvae measured at 2-h intervals and plotted as a function of cohort
age for each of 5 temperature regimes.

increase in the mean temperature decreased the the migratory or postfeeding stage. After the onset
total duration of each life stage with the exception of migration, larval length gradually decreased
of the 3rd instar between the 26.7°C and the until pupation.
32.2°C regimes (Table 3). The 3rd instar required Increasing the rearing temperature to the
4 additional h at 32.2°C than needed at 26.7°C. 21.1°C mean cyclic temperature regime reduced
Stage duration time was recorded once 10% of the the duration of the egg stage by 10 h. This was the
sample population completed development from largest hourly change in egg duration, because all
the previous stage. other temperatures produced hatch between 8 and
The cycling temperature regime of 15.6°C pro- 14 h, including the single constant temperature re-
duced the longest stage durations as well as the gime. The constant temperature of 25°C produced
smallest pupal size (mean ± SD) 6.8 ± 0.4 mm. growth curves that were not unlike the cyclic tem-
Maggot length was consistent throughout the feed- peratures, although it noticeably prolonged the 3rd
ing stages, but varied increasingly as they entered instar.

Table 1. Time requirement for the first 10% of a C. Table 2. Mean ± SE time for C. rufifacies population
rufifacies population to complete pupation and emer- to complete pupation and emergence under 5 tempera-
gence under 5 temperature regimes ture regimes

Temp, °C Pupation, h Emergence, h Temp, °C Pupation, I) Emergence, li

15.6" 300 598 15.6" 350 ± 28 612: 48
21.1" 168 296 21.1" 174 ± 18 314 42
25.0*' 170 289 25.0'' 170 ± 11 289 26
26.7" 134 216 26.7" 140 ± 19 222 16
32.2" 114 190 32.2" 116 ± 16 180 19

" Cycling mean temperature (amplitude 5.5°C) and a photope- "Cycling mean temperature (amplitude 5.5°C) and a pliotope-
riod of 12:12 (L:D) h. riodof 12:12 (L:D) h.
'' Constant temperature and continuous light. " Constant temperature and continuous light.

Table 3 . Stage duration of C. rufifacies based on first

10% of population to enter and complete the respective
life stage under 5 temperature regimes

Mean Stage duration, h U 33

temp, 1st 2nd 3rd
°C Egg instar instar instar Pupa
I 29
15.6" 30 46 54 154 298 OS
21.1" 20 26 30 92 128
25.0b 12 18 34 106 119 w
26.7" 14 18 24 78 82 H 27
32.2" 8 10 14 82 76

" Cycling mean temperature (amplitude 5.5°C) and a photope-

riod of 12:12 (L:D) h.
'' Constant temperature and continuous light.
20 30 40 90 80 TO 80 90 100 110 120

The maximum mean temperature of 32.2°C de-
Fig. 2. Preferred mean development temperature of

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creased the egg stage by 4 h, and produced re- C. rufifacies larval mass plotted as a function of age. Er-
markably short total developmental duration with ror bars indicate range of temperature in which larvae
minimal length ranges. The most rapid larval were observed to feed.
growth occurred before 64 h, with maximum
length attained at this time. Such rapid growth in-
dicates that early instars may find high tempera-
tures more favorable than expected.
Temperature Preference. Means of 4 replicate at 15°C. All larvae pupate normally in our 15.6°C
experiments using larvae of C. rufifacies showed temperature regime. Total duration from egg to
that aggregations formed at a mean temperature adult for temperatures >20°C also agreed with the
of 35.1 ± 0.4°C after 24 h (Fig. 2). During the findings of O'Flynn (1983). With the exception of
next 24 h, the larvae began to disperse and move the 15.6°C temperature regime, our egg-to-adult
to cooler temperatures with a mean of 34 ± 1.5°C. accumulated degree-hours were consistently short-
After 48 h, larvae continued to disperse but main- er than those of Greenberg (1990).
tained a mean temperature of 31.0 ± 3.1°C. At 96 Data for egg eclosion, larval duration, and adult
h, larvae were transferred to the adjacent sand emergence times will allow accurate postmortem
trough and left undisturbed for 24 h. This transfer interval determination based on the temperature-
was necessary, because migrating larvae experi- dependent development of this species. An impor-
enced a 24-h delay from their expected pupation tant and often overlooked stage for estimating lar-
times as they searched for a path to exit die pork. val age is the migrating or wandering stage. The
After this 24-h period, the larvae were observed to onset of this stage is indicated by larval migration
pupate normally either under, in, or on top of the away from the food substrate accompanied by a
rearing media. At 120 h, pupation occurred in the slight reduction in body length. This is followed by
sand trough with larvae in a loose aggregation at a a rapid reduction in body length immediately be-
mean temperature of 25 ± 1.1°C. fore pupation. Although pupal lengths were pro-
Variation of Pupation and Emergence Times. gressively smaller under each cooler temperature
Laboratory-reared C. rufifacies displayed minimal regime, the variation in larval length was minimal
developmental variation among pupal cohorts; throughout all feeding instars as well as the post-
however, variation more than doubled among co- feeding stage in all experimental rearings. Such
horts at adult emergence when reared at a constant low variation will allow all life stages, including the
25 ± 1°C. Time required for pupation ranged from postfeeding stage, to be used effectively in estab-
134 to 162 h (n = 8) with a mean of 146 ± 9 h lishing a postmortem interval.
(±SD), 95% CI = 138-154 h, and 9% CV. Emer- Wells and Kurahashi (1994) reported that blow
gence time ranged from 237 to 289 h (n = 8) with fly larvae can delay pupation if conditions are sub-
a mean of 262 ± 20 h (±SD), 95% CI = 245-279 optimal. Our study indicated that a 24-h delay in
h, and 17% CV. This variation among cohorts was pupation will occur if movement of C. rufifacies
minimal and illustrated the usefulness of this spe- larvae is restricted when they attempt to exit re-
cies in postmortem interval estimations. mains during the migrating stage. Therefore, al-
tered developmental times must be considered in
death investigations where remains are tightly
Discussion wrapped, or if maggot migration is otherwise re-
Our reported times for egg eclosion agreed with stricted. Also, when constructing the postmortem
those reported by O'Flynn (1983); however, interval estimation, it is essential that laboratory
O'Flynn reported that this species failed to pupate studies of insect development use temperatures
May 1097 BVHI) AND BUTLER: DEVELOPMENT OF C. rufifacies 357

with mean values comparable to those for the article is published as Florida Agricultural Experiment
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tial that such developmental studies be conducted rufifacies, and Lucilia cuprina. Kerala J. Vet. Sci. 11:
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Acknowledgments Wells, J. D., and B. Greenberg. 1992a. Interaction
between Chrysomya rufifacies and Cochliomyia ma-
We thank Jon Allen, Dale Ilaheck (University of Flor- cellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae): the possible conse-
ida), and Jeffrey D. Wells (University of California, quences of an invasion. Bull. Entomol. Res. 82: 133-
Berkeley) for careful reviews of the manuscript. We also 137.
thank William Maples (C. A. Pound Human Identifica- 1992b. Laboratory interaction between introduced
tion Laboratory, University of Florida) and William Ham- Clirysomya rufifacies and native Cochliomyia macel-
ilton (District <S Medical Examiner's Office, Gainesville, laria (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Environ. Entomol. 21:
FL) for use of their facilities for specimen collection. This 640-645.

1994. Resource use by an introduced and native car- opment: rate, variation, and the implications for fo-
rion flies. Oecologia (Berl.) 99: 181-187. entomology. Jpn. J. Sanit. Zool. 45: 303-309.
Wells, J. D., and H. Kurahash. 1994. Chnjsoimja me- Received for publication 30 August 1996; accepted IS
gacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) devel- December 1996.

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