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Title: Investigatory Project on Demonstrating Resonance

Abstract: This project presents an exploration of the phenomenon of resonance,

uncovering its fundamental principles and practical applications. Starting with a
clear introduction to resonance, the project proceeds to delve into its significance
across various fields. Through experiments and explanations, the project aims to
illustrate resonance's effects and showcase its real-world applications .
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
 Definition of Resonance
 Examples of Resonance
2. Understanding Resonance
 Resonance as a Response to a Force
 The Role of Natural Frequency
3. Real-World Applications
 Resonance in Musical Instruments
 Resonance in MRI Imaging
4. Experiment: Demonstrating Resonance with Tuning Forks
 Materials and Setup
 Procedure Steps
 Observations and Conclusions
5. Case Studies
 The Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
 Opera Singers Shattering Glass
6. Conclusion
 Summing up the topics learnt
7. Bibliography
1) Introduction
A) Definition of resonance
 Objects, mechanical systems and charged particles tend to vibrate at a specific frequency. We
call this frequency the resonant frequency or the natural frequency. When a light or a sound
wave strikes an object that is already vibrating at some particular frequency, and if that
frequency happens to match the resonant frequency of the object it’s hitting; then you’ll get
what’s called resonance. Resonance occurs when the matching vibrations of another object
increase the amplitude of an object’s oscillations.
 A phenomenon in which an external force or a vibrating system forces another system around
it to vibrate with greater amplitude at a specified frequency of operation.

B) Examples of resonance

 Swing - When pushing the swing, keep in mind that

the push should be given at the same interval which
is the natural rotation of the swing, and then the
dimension of that swing increases only. That is,
every time the hammock makes more angle than its
mean position. On the contrary, if it is pushed on
another frequency without taking into consideration
as mentioned above, its effect can be very low, zero
or negative.
 Radio and Television - There is a tuned circuit
inside the radio and the TV which helps to hear or see a channel. When we rotate the 'nab'
of the radio, it is virtually changing the resonance frequency of this tuned circuit. Any
time the resonance frequency of this circuit matches the frequency of any station or
channel, that channel we receive.
 Laser - The Laser is an electromagnetic wave, but its special point is that it is extremely
convergent, that is, the frequency of all its photons is equal to or very near one frequency.
In addition, the phases of all the vibrations are also the same. The laser is also produced
by using optical resonance in an optical cavity.

2) Understanding Resonance
A) Resonance as a Response to a Force
Resonance as a Response to a Force is a captivating phenomenon where an object's natural
frequency aligns with an external force, leading to increased vibration. Picture a swing pushed
just when it's swinging naturally – it soars higher due to resonance. This effect stems from the
force matching the object's inherent frequency, amplifying its motion. In music, resonance is
pivotal; think of strings vibrating to create sound in instruments. This concept finds applications
in engineering, architecture, and even medicine. From preventing bridge collapses by
understanding resonance frequencies to utilizing MRI technology's resonant properties for
medical imaging, this phenomenon's grasp leads to innovations. Resonance shows how forces
can harmonize with natural frequencies, creating profound effects across diverse fields and
enhancing our understanding of wave behavior and vibrations.

B) The Role of Natural Frequency

 An object's natural frequency is the frequency or rate that it vibrates naturally when
 We can apply an unnatural or forced frequency to an object that equals the natural
frequency of an object. In cases such as this, we are in effect creating resonance. If this
occurs in certain structures, the oscillations will continue to increase in magnitude, thus
resulting in structural failure.
 natural frequency consists of various primary factors and they are as follows:
 We call the frequency in which an object naturally vibrates, its natural
 We can utilize harmonic oscillators as tools to model an object’s natural
 Natural frequencies are those that occur naturally when we disturb an
object in a physical manner, whereas objects that vibrate in accordance
with the application of a particular rate are called forced frequencies.
 If we apply a forced frequency that is equivalent to an object’s natural
frequency, the object will encounter resonance.

 But why measuring natural frequencies

o We typically consider the natural frequencies and mode shapes to be the single

most critical property of virtually any system. As you might imagine, excessive

vibrations in any system lead to structural and functional issues.

o The reason for this is the natural frequencies can match with a system's resonant

frequencies. For example, if you employ a time-varying force to a system and

select a frequency equivalent to one of the natural frequencies, this will result in

immense amplitude vibrations that risk putting your system in jeopardy.

o This is why when designing a mechanical system, it’s important to calculate and

ensure the natural frequencies of vibration are far greater than any possible

excitation frequency that your system is likely to encounter.

3) Real world applications of resonance

A) Resonance in Musical Instruments

Whenever a person hits, strikes, strums, drums or

tweaks any musical instrument, the instrument is set
into oscillation or vibration at the natural frequency of
vibration of the instrument. A unique standing wave
pattern defines each frequency of vibration as a
specific instrument. These natural frequencies of a
musical instrument are known widely as the
harmonics of the specified instrument. Suppose a
second interconnected object or instrument vibrates or oscillates at that specified frequency. In
that case, the first object can be forced to vibrate at a frequency higher than its natural harmonic
frequency. This phenomenon is known as resonance, i.e., one object vibrating or oscillating at
the natural frequency of another object forces the other object to vibrate at a frequency higher
than its natural frequency.

B) Resonance in MRI Imaging

The behavior of hydrogen nuclei in a strong magnetic field is
the basis for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Hydrogen
nuclei align with the magnetic field when a patient enters an
MRI scanner. The nuclei are then subjected to radiofrequency
(RF) pulses at their resonance frequency, causing them to
absorb and later emit energy as radio waves. These signals are
employed to generate accurate body pictures. Variable picture
contrasts for tissue differentiation are possible thanks to precise
control of resonance. MRI transforms medical diagnosis by
allowing for non-invasive, high-resolution imaging of soft
tissues and organs. It is essential in modern medicine since it plays a critical role in diagnosing
and monitoring numerous medical disorders.

4) Experiment
A) Materials and Setup
 Materials:
 Two identical tuning forks connected to
 Rubber mallet or hammer
 A ball tied to a stand
 Setup:
 Set up both the tuning forks facing each
 Make the ball touch to the second tuning fork.

B) Procedure
 Gently strike the first tuning fork with the rubber mallet to set it into vibration.
 Make the vibrating tuning fork face the second one.

C) Observation and Conclusions

 Observations:
 The ball is set into the motion due to vibrations produced by the second tuning fork
onto the ball.
 Conclusion:
 The second tuning fork is set to vibration by the first one because of resonance as
both of them have same frequency
5) Case Studies
A) The Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge

The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940

serves as a poignant case study illustrating the
destructive power of resonance. This suspension
bridge, spanning the Tacoma Narrows strait in
Washington, experienced a catastrophic failure driven
by aeroelastic flutter—a form of resonance induced by

As the wind speed increased on that fateful day, it coincided with the bridge's natural frequency
of oscillation. The wind's alternating forces pushed and pulled the bridge deck, causing it to sway
violently. The amplitude of the oscillations grew larger and larger until it exceeded the bridge's
structural limits.

Ultimately, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed into the water below, becoming a dramatic
example of how resonance can lead to catastrophic structural failure. This event highlighted the
importance of considering resonance effects in engineering designs, especially for structures
exposed to dynamic environmental forces. The lessons learned from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
disaster have since influenced the design and construction of suspension bridges worldwide,
emphasizing the critical need to account for resonance in engineering practices.

B) Opera Singers Shattering Glass

In the phenomenon of opera singers shattering

glass, resonance plays a remarkable role. When
an opera singer hits a specific high note, their
voice's frequency matches the glass's natural
resonant frequency. This causes the glass to
vibrate intensely, exceeding its structural
capacity, and shatter. This captivating
occurrence demonstrates how resonance, when frequencies align, can generate astonishing
effects, showcasing the powerful interplay between sound and matter.
6) Conclusion
In this project we have learnt that resonance occurs when an external force matches a system's
natural frequency, leading it to vibrate with greater force.
Resonance plays a crucial role in various fields, from engineering to music. It can have
constructive or destructive effects, as seen in real-world examples like the Tacoma Narrows
Bridge and glass-shattering opera performances.
Resonance is still shaping technology today, from medical imaging to electronic circuits. It also
holds potential for future renewable energy and nanotechnology developments.

7) Bibliography

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